SB Labs

The desperate plight of a hard gaining ectomorph

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SidTheSlothh said:
PCT has been going good no signs of any side effects. Expectingly feeling lethargic at the gym and for some reason getting tired earlier in the day than normal. Girlfriend also sucked my dick for a solid 10 mins last night and it wouldn’t even get hard so so far test is still tanked haha
This is not a sign of PCT going well. At all. I’d get lab work done now.

As far as your next cycle… personally, if it were me- hell no. You just had a wreck of a first cycle. You figured out no appropriate dosing and you only had a difficult time with… almost everything. So adding a 19nor and an oral will most like make it worse, and certainly more complicated for you. I think you need to run another test only cycle until you feel like you are not constantly grasping at what’s wrong with your cycle.
What is the concerning part, the inability to get hard? It worked this morning but for some reason last night nothing would have worked.

So I should hit another test only cycle and try the aromasin to see what works for me as far as controlling estrogen before considering running more compounds? Or should I even try Aromasin since everyone said adex worked and it was only slightly elevated which is normal. If I do another test only it won’t be for no 16 weeks as I feel gains will just be minimal.

I’ve been off and on with the gym life for over a decade now and I’ve tried everything under the sun to get size gains and literally nothing has ever worked for me. The only things I can pinpoint this to are maybe my 4 hours of sleep a night or garbage genetics. It can’t be the training regimes I’ve used, it can’t be diet as I’ve hit protein counts and calorie counts, and now it can’t be the low T cause not sure I gained muscle or much of during 16 weeks of being on it.

Needless to say sometimes it’s hard to find the motivation to go to the gym when you pretty much know it’s a waste of time and for nothing. It is really frustrating seeing big dudes that lift like shit, bad technique, live unhealthy lifestyles, and inconsistently hit the gym with no set routine. I bust my ass in the gym and give it my all every time I’m there so it’s annoying seeing people get the results that I want with little to no effort. And that is why I turned to being interested in steroids in the first place as I am sick and tired of not being rewarded for my hard work while lazy fucks get results from not doing shit or are just naturally muscular. And then to get lectured by said folk who don’t know what the fuck they are even doing about what I am doing wrong or not doing just because they had better genes but wanna pretend it was their discipline that got them there. Turned here out of frustration and being pissed off about it all. End rant lol
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A dex doesn’t work for everyone. Try Letrazole, that’s all that works for me. I take 1/4 2x per week. Anymore and dumps my E amd really messes things up
Just read through this quickly so sorry if I’m off base.
1- you can’t take gear and eat like shit and expect results. Clean your diet up. Hot dogs and milk? Cmon are you 12? Educated yourself on nutrition it isn’t that difficult. Start with lean protein, chicken, steak, fish. Quality carbs, rice, oats, potatoes, and healthy fats, olive oil , nuts, avacado. There are plenty of free services to help you figure out amounts of each.
2- this isn’t guess work. What I mean is we have the ability to have labs drawn. Do that. Don’t guess at what and how much you should take. More is not necessary better. That being said you will have to experiment with compounds to see what works best for you. Read up on each compound to learn what it’s actions are and possible sides.
3- Training needs to be on point and consistent. What are your overall goals? Do you want to be a bodybuilder or power lifter? Or combonation. If you are not sure how to train ask training questions or hire a coach to program workouts for you. If one particular program isn’t working after I’d say at least 4-6 weeks, switch it up.
Keep it simple and stay consistent
Bro, I’ve tried all that. Just because I did a dirty bulk and didn’t eat clean doesn’t mean that’s how I have approached weight training for the last 10 years. And a dirty bulk so long as you hit protein and caloric surplus is not going to hinder gains. Didn’t know only little kids ate hot dogs or drink milk either what the hell haha. I have been on too many clean diets that I can count and the results were the same except for not adding fat. No gains. 250+G protein a day check, 3500 plus calories a day check, intense workouts in the gym check…for someone who started out at 152 pounds that is more than enough protein and calories based upon my TDEE to get gains.

I know how to workout it ain’t the training regimes I have used. I have tried just about every type of workout routine there is wether it be catered to hypotrophy or strength. I’ve been in the game for awhile man I can’t think of anything that I have not tried. I used to think it was the low T, but that has been eliminated as a possibility based off the results of my last cycle. I’m putting up numbers on bench press I was able to hit one year ago before touching any drugs. So when I jab myself with anabolics yeah I was expecting to at least go up a few pounds lol. I’m not expecting ridiculous gains, just wanted to get at least something to know if it’s possible at all for me.

I feel like many people don’t place as much emphasis on genetics as they should. I’ve been around dudes that are only 18 and 19, barely go to the gym, don’t hit any macros, no set routine when they do go, and they are bigger than many of the dudes sticking themselves here on the forum. Genetics is absolutely one of the most significant factors when it comes to size.
Genetics absolutely plays a huge role in all of this no doubt. But you would have to have the worst genetics I’ve ever seen to have tried all you say you have and eaten at times as well as you say. I’ve been in this game since when I started training in 1985 through today. I’ve been a coach for over 26 years. I’ve trained everyone from 120lb HS athletes to Stanley cup champions to Olympic gold medalists and I’ve never had an athlete I couldn’t put weight on without gear. Granted I have had hard gainers where they had to take in 5,000 Cals per day to put size on. I’ve never had any athlete of any gender that doesn’t get very strong when training properly and eating well. Listen I’m not saying you haven’t done what you say but sometimes we think we’ve done all we can until someone that knows more points out mistakes and missed opportunities. Sorry if a missed this, do you keep a journal? Not just training but diet. What you are, how much, how did you feel after the meal, how was training that day?
I’m not sure I could go the 5,000 calorie route I’m an ectomorph that puts fat on real easy too so don’t want to get pregnant to gain muscle haha. Next time I go on cycle I’m going to post what I do at the gym and what I consume on a daily basis. Or maybe ill start doing it soon we will see, probably after I take my week Christmas vacation. A diet log should be easy for me since I do consume just about the same things on a daily basis.
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Yeah if you’re carrying excess fat I wouldn’t load you up on carbs. Definitely research compounds, get your nutrition on point so there is no guess work. Have labs drawn before and during cycle and have all your compounds on hand. Also I roidtest everything . Sometimes even great sponsors have some mistakes. We are spending lots of money amd time,arguably putting our Heath in jeopardy so make sure you are 100% GTG or don’t bother. Everyone on here is more than happy to help just ask. What I tell people that ask for my help is I don’t need any practice coaching athletes nor do I like to have my time wasted, be 100% in or don’t ask. Good luck in the future
This is my current workout routine:

Monday - Pull (Back/Biceps):

Deadlifts 4x5
Lat Pull downs: 4x8-12
Cable seated row: 4x8-12

Rear delt raises: 4x8-12
Barbell Bicep Curls: 4x8-12
Hammer curls: 4x8-12

Tuesday - Push (Chest/Triceps/Shoulders):

ench press 4x5
Incline Dumbbell press: 4x8-12
Cable Fly’s 4x8-12
Seated dumbbell shoulder press: 4x8-12
Cable Side Lateral Raise: 4x8-12
Triceps Push downs: 4x8-12
Triceps extensions: 4x8-12

**Wednesday- Abs and 2 mile run

Thursday- Legs

Squats: 3x5
Leg press: 3x5-10
Leg Extensions: 3x8-12
Hamstring Curls: 3x8-12
Calf Raises: 6x8-12

Friday - Abs and 2 mile run

Saturday - Start routine over


Today I am counting calories and protein and using that as my baseline since what I eat on a day to day basis is very similar. I’ll post what I consumed at the end of the day.
Disclaimer: I do NOT have the credentials that @Kad1 has. It’s obvious he is at the top of his chosen trade. It looks like you have a lot of days in a row “doing something” without a rest day. Maybe drop a 2 mile run day drop the leg extensions and leg press and ramp up the squats then work on posterior chain… my 2 cents worth.
Also Seems like you have a lot of nicnac fluff and buff…maybe change it up a bit and concentrate on the compound movements and limit the iso movements. Once again just suggesting.
The routine does have a lot of think routines such as stronglifts 5x5 or starting strength would be better Suited for me? I have done both of those routines before but it’s been too long.
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Sir. I’ve been training over 45 years and know exactly what is best for “me”. Folks like @Kad1 are professionals at dialing in whats best for others. I would probably pick a basic program…stick with it for at least 6 months. Get to where you squat ohp bench deadlift some respectable ( for you) numbers. 5x5 has been around forever.
Are you looking for strength, power, bodybuilding, just trying to change your physique and athletic performance? Power building is something new as a “thing”. Been around for decades as weight training hahaha.
I’m just trying to change my physique and nothing outrageous either just want to at least look like I lift weights and be somewhat muscular. Strength is secondary but still could use that as it would make my job easier.
I’m assuming your military…2 mile run?

How bout

Monday is overhead press, a upper back exercise vert or horizontal superset with some medium dumbell shoulder work…Y T W’s

Wednesday is squat, then rdl, pull thru, ghr, good mornings. Rotate deads in every 3-4 weeks instead of squats.

Friday benchpress with some bi’s and tri’s (close grip bp) the other plane of back you didn’t do on monday.

Basic stuff. Don’t go to failure on compound movements but learn how to “strain”.

My 2 cents
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Yes I am in the military. I think it might be time for me to get back to the basics without so much isolation volume and frequency on top of it.

After tracking down my food intake today, I was surprised to find that my calories and also my protein wasn’t as high as I expected. And that’s with considering I tried harder to eat better today as I knew I would be logging it here plus I didn’t work so that makes it easier to eat. Here it is:

Breakfast: egg sandwich with glass milk 580 calories, 38g protein

Lunch: turkey burger, ranch beans, canned mixed veggies, cup of milk. 730 calories, 51g protein

Coffee 35 calories, 2 pancakes 700 calories 20 protein

Dinner: chicken and Greek yogurt, 360 calories, 42g protein

Trail mix with pecans, walnuts, dried cranberry, and almonds and a glass of milk 310 calories 13g protein

Calories: 2,715
Protein: 164
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Carbs? Fats? Also Important in physique changes.

Breakfast: 38g protein= 152 calories

Lunch: 20g protein= 80 calories

Dinner: 42g protein= 168 calories

I’m missing some protein in your meals. But you get my point.

Total cals from protein: 656 (your 164protein count)

Total cals from carbs and fat: 2059

You look like your holding water because your diet is mostly fats and carbs, which means it’s not water weight, it’s most likely fat.

And this is why everyone has said to actually track your macros. Everyone thinks they are eating much better than they are.
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I could have done without the pancakes but she made them and I didn’t want to be mean. In order to get the calories from protein up I would have to add in more meats and to bring up the total protein count I could have protein powder with the milk twice daily. Eating another meal would be pretty difficult. And yep, I don’t think I put on any water lol I’m just not seeing 30 pounds of fat…but maybe that is the case.
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