SB Labs

The desperate plight of a hard gaining ectomorph

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If it was that easy of a fix this entire time I’m going to be pissed lol. I do drink a lot of milk so should have been getting some electrolytes from that. I’m going to swing by the store today and pick up some coconut water and see if that helps.

One thing that I am not understanding now is if the adex worked on the periods of those first 3 tests, why did estro levels jump from 184 to 270? Kisseptin was added in that timeframe would be the only difference.
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Only thing I can blame the jump to 270 on is maybe Kisspeptin? That’s the only thing that was changed from previous weeks when I started taking that. I got gains but no not gains that people would expect that’s for sure which is fine it’s a weak cycle anyways but definitely not worth the kind of money spent . Everyone says I got bigger but I say maybe 5 pounds muscle rest is just water weight. Now that it’s been cleared that this test produces weird results in weird ranges it’s fair to say most the cycle was spent in the norm.
So is the elevated estrogen a little high outside normal ranges cause for any concern? Should we run a little bit of aromasin next cycle and then coast it with adex? Or just stick with the adex?
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Why would you recommend aromasin, is it because our estrogen was still a little high running the adex? I think taking 1mg adex a day for the last several weeks caused my blood pressure to be high. I got my wisdom tooth pulled about a month or so ago and they did vitals and it was fine, only change was the increased dosage of adex.
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Yes, bc it’s still high. I’m still confused by the scale on your lab work though.

Aromasin may work better for you, you have Adex a try and you used a really high dose. So might as well try aromasin.
That scale seems to have thrown most everyone off . But yeah just gonna have to give aromasin a shot. Seeing that his estro spiked when kiss was introduced while being on adex hopefully aromasin can keep it in range but that’s months away from now.
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And I’ve been taking 2 mg a week still spiked that high. And my dose on kiss is extremely low lol.
Currently on week 2 of PCT. lifts have gone slightly down and haven’t made any strength gains since starting it. How long after this PCT should I wait until I get bloods done again to see where my natural levels are?
I’d imagine if your were on a ten week cycle you’d want to test ten weeks after your cycle. It probably wouldn’t hurt to test midway either.
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How long is it supposed to take for water weight to come off? I haven’t lost any weight since I started pct haha. Still only getting 4 something hours of sleep a night, can never break 5. Told my doctor and we’ve tried behavioral, melatonin, and atarax and so far nothing does anything. Guess I’ll just have to accept that I naturally only need 4 hours of sleep.
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The goal of pct is to return natural test as soon as possible. Waiting 16 weeks would be silly IMO, how will you know if pct had intended effect. You had high estrogen difficulties. Once your test starts coming Down you will want to know for sure your estrogen isn’t still high.

Get bloodwork done at the end of pct and go from there.

You should lose water weight when your estrogen is controlled. If you’re not- your estrogen isn’t right, or it’s fat. I don’t recall hearing much about your diet on cycle.
Hmm yeah I am starting to think maybe I didn’t put hardly any water weight on. It just looked like water to me cause I don’t see almost 30 pounds extra of fat on those pictures. I have thickened up in the upper body so maybe that could be fat as well.

I’ll get bloods done after PCT and see where my natural levels are. I’m not gonna be surprised ifI have high estrogen and low testosterone. As a 16 year old in the middle of puberty I remember telling my dad I need to get checked and sure enough it was in the low 300 range. That is in what is considered normal range, however for an adolescent it should have been higher. I’m starting to think hormones are the reasons why even as an ectomorph I find it difficult to get rid of belly fat. Shouldn’t be having to get on TrT as a 26 year old but whatever. Could be hereditary my dad had low T at a young age.

PCT has been going good no signs of any side effects. Expectingly feeling lethargic at the gym and for some reason getting tired earlier in the day than normal. Girlfriend also sucked my dick for a solid 10 mins last night and it wouldn’t even get hard so so far test is still tanked haha

I also don’t plan on starting another cycle until March. I was thinking of running test cyp, NPP, and Dbol and trying aromasin instead of adex. Should I only use one AI or should I have adex on hand as well, and are these compounds appropriate for a second cycle?
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