SB Labs

The desperate plight of a hard gaining ectomorph

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Story of our Lives always the shit end of the stick. Wasn’t worth all the money I spent nor the trouble with constant needles. If it wasn’t for Estro issues I know for a fact would have seen solid gains. Owell is what it is Just ready to move on. Curious what others think about the adex bullshit. Obviously we are the only members on here that don’t respond to the drug AT ALL lol.
Everyone is different. I pushed my Test up to 1,500mg and never had to change the amount of Adex. Which was .25mg Adex twice a week. Usually the day after I pinned.
The tests you take show that you are just above range and adex is meant to control estrogen not destroy it you guys want to destroy your estrogen use aromasin.
You say you didn’t have any gains did you guys workout because you took testosterone there’s no reason that because you have elevated estrogen to not make gains.
You run gear its dangerous so when you speak about recking your health while under doctors care you should be on trt and stay there under doctor supervision.

When I originally saw this I didn’t realize that your range on your testing shows normal estrogen being as high as 190 so you only had elevated estrogen which is normal when using testosterone at high amounts.

I don’t know what the problem is
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I was just about to bring this up. Actually the Adex worked. If you got all bloated and didn’t make any gains… I would check the diet. There’s no reason this should have been a busted cycle at all.
without out a doubt @NeuroRN

all my bloat came from high carb diets. i cut them to 100 grams and my bloat went way WAY WAY down

arimidex isnt the answer for bloat. its mostly diet
As am I. Maybe expectation VS Reality? I don’t really know what the expectation was… but the reality is you are 30lbs heavier? Once the bloat is gone if they keep 10lbs of muscle that’s a lot in my opinion.
the keto diet is a bit tough to get into but if you do, it really eliminates bloat even if you are 20% bf. makes a big difference. in pictures it goes from balloon face to actually seeing jaw lines

keto is a difficult diet can be challenging but what i loved about it, is i can eat all kinds of cheeses meats. like bacon and cheddar is something i regularly snack on and stay lean. you need a lot of salt in your diet in keto for electrolytes

i also noticed my sleep was better on keto

just be mindful you are eating high cholesterol, take your efas and drink tons and tons of water
I think carbs is the bloat issue. I blew up test and EQ one time bc I was eating like 500-600g of carbs. Trying to mess with my diet on cycle. Never again. I can keep my carbs at the 250 range and lean down pretty quick. Thankful for my metabolism. But estrogen of 180-190 shouldn’t have done this.
Why does the range on the test show normal levels to be up to 190? When I look online, pretty much every source I look at says the normal range goes up to about 55 or 60.

I am 30 pounds heavier but looking in the mirror I do not really see a difference in muscle size/definition, I only see overall size increase which I believe is from excess water weight and fat gain. Who knows, maybe when the water weight comes off and I drop some body fat I may see gains, time will tell.

It is also hard to lift weights and progress on the weights at the gym when after 2 or 3 sets your muscles get so tight they feel like they are going to rip and it isn’t because of the intensity of the lifting now compared to before cycle. Ever since maybe about week 4 I had to cut workouts shorter by doing less sets due to the muscle tightness. The excess water weight has me so inflexible I can’t even touch the middle of my back, can hardly squat as it is a challenge just to get the bar on my back.

About the Adex, that makes sense. It seems to me that our estrogen must have been high before we even started the cycle.
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SidTheSlothh said:
Why does the range on the test show normal levels to be up to 190? When I look online, pretty much every source I look at says the normal range goes up to about 55 or 60.
This is what threw me off completely because 200+ on estrogen is off the charts normally.
Im not sure why they test like that
Is that what that is? All I know man is I have been dehydrated before and when I am I usually get a headache and my piss is orange. I have not had any headaches and my urine is always on the lighter side
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That’s not the same as getting the electrolytes to the muscles to rehydrate the joints especially because you can see the bloat from water weight. You need electrolytes not water you could have drank so much water you washed the electrolytes right out of your body.

I suffer from this myself and substitute coconut water and mio or other water additives. I keep hearing pedylyte is great also
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