SB Labs

The desperate plight of a hard gaining ectomorph

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Oh so your logic is the military has a suicide problem so you want to hire people who are more prone to it? Genius. You sir, are a fucking idiot. You know what, you are just another cancel culture activist that has thin skin and can’t accept the truth. This was what I was going to say before Mr. Zuckerberg closed the thread. You censor more people than fucking facebook. Lots of good members here, but I no longer have any desire to be on a forum that is headed by some thin skinned puss where words hurt his precious feelings. Safe space needing ass. Deuces. @Bigmurph
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SidTheSlothh said:
You sir, are a fucking idiot.
You sir are truly the fucking idiot because I didn’t ban you but you couldn’t stop you homophobic racist piece of shit.

The desperate plight of a hard gaining ectomorph Training-Diet-Logs
Are you sure your prepared to do time for your opinions its fucked up but you can get fired first but becareful that you don’t get locked up its not worth it your voice can be heard alot better from the street than jail.
The desperate plight of a hard gaining ectomorph Training-Diet-Logs
I can see that like you said you don’t have a filter neither did I but no filter leads to violence or trouble eventually. I just don’t want to see you get introuble for some BS argument with someone because the cops will arrest you for assault for yelling at someone and they will just leave it to the courts. Its crazy nowadays
Tried to even help and guide him not to get in trouble
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