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The desperate plight of a hard gaining ectomorph

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Well said. I’ve been getting those odd looks In the gym for the last several weeks as this cut goes on I just don’t have the strength. To rep big numbers. Hell the other day I stayed at 135 on bench with high reps… before my cut I hit 315x8.

Very wise words @Poppy just keep your head down, lift your weights, no one else’s matter.
I’ve seen 181 and 165 lifters lift MUCH heavier than me in lifts… training and in meets… people’s abilities should never be based off size
I was at a bench only meet and a dude in the 198s with me had a prosthetic leg…he was allowed to weigh in without it so long as he didn’t lift with it… he would have been way north of 242 with a real leg… he was a big sob…whipped up on all of us…very strong!!! Hahaha good stuff
I’ve got a friend like that, he’s 242 lifter with spina bifida, he can move his legs but they’re the size of tooth picks and he’s confined to a wheel chair. He benches 600 lbs with zero drive out of hips… it’s crazy to see
Is there a YouTube on that dude… i think I might have seen him lift!
He’s got some videos, not sure if he’s got a channel. He’s lifted in a lot of UPA meets, and lifted at RUM a few times
I’m pretty sure I’ve seen him. Real big dude with atrophy’d legs benching a ridiculous amount,yep.
I’m on a pretty harsh cut. I dropped close to 20lbs in 8 weeks and have come back up some. My body actually functions well on moderate carbs so I usually stay there. I’ve brought them back up Bc it was so draining eating less 50 a day.

You ever seen the pros days before Olympia? They all move slow and sluggish and in a haze. A caloric deficit doesn’t give the body what it needs so it’s working extra to find energy plus the output you demand.

There’s other factors always but it’s not uncommon to have strength drop during a cut.
Ah yeah that is a lot of weight to drop in that amount of time. Does that cause muscle loss cutting that quickly or is it just going to be a temporary effect?
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I don’t know if my wrist are just built for it but never had an issue shoulder yea elbows get a little over used of course but wrist can handle probably a good 55o I think before I think of adding auooort
Maybe use some wrist wraps. There’s a bunch out there. Start with a basic set. They’re very adjustable from a little firm to casting your wrist.
I’ll look into that. I tend to have my wrists bent backwards while doing it so that probably places a lot of tension on an awkward angle.
Thi jog hand placement like you throwing a punch you want everything in line for more power. I don’t recommend it but suicide grip always got me in the right position I auto wrap thumb now but that’s I learned to bench growing up
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