SB Labs

The desperate plight of a hard gaining ectomorph

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Firearm confiscation is practically guaranteed if you get enough democrats in congress which I believe is going to happen. Obunghole if he had his way would have did what Australia did with their gun buybacks. This country really took a turn for the worst when that idiot became president.
Switching my routine from P/P/Off/L/Off to a 4 day split. Will only hit the muscles once per week but I pretty much was with the routine I was using since I found myself skipping the gym on the weekends due to being off work too late and the gym closing early on those days. So now will be Pull, Push, Off, Legs, Shoulders/arms weekend off
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It baffles me how dudes twice my size seem to be struggling with lower weights than what I use on their lifts. Fucking bs lol
Dude there’s no accounting for strength… you can’t call bs. Don’t get too full of yourself. Hahaha
I don’t even lift much weight at all so I just don’t get how there are really muscular dudes barely lifting anything lol. Maybe they are genetically muscular but their CNS isn’t efficient.
Yeah buddy… you just don’t know exactly what someone has programmed for that training session.

A lot of power lifters operate in the submax weight range but they are applying maximum force. There’s a fine art to dialing in your programming. I’m completely washed up and I would say that’s what I miss the most is programming my training leading up to a meet.

Like I said. There’s strong men and women out there and theres those that aren’t pushing the strength thing… just training hypertrophy or just staying “in shape”.

Best to not judge and go bout your work in the gym.
Never judge a book by its cover I’m hitting weights I used to but look a lot better now doing it hahah. Then again I had that line man build I
Of floppy belly and what not
Just intriguing how to body works. Those IFBB pros are massive and I believe you are pulling more weight than some of them are. I will most likely adjust to hypertrophy ranges after this cycle and give my joints a break. Hypotrophy last I checked was the 8-12 rep ranges. If trying to build muscle, is there really any reason to go any higher than that?
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