SB Labs

The Ozempic Files


Showed today no pen with it so I’ll just have her start at .1ml a week and that would come
Out to .33mg
Well going to start dad on .25 tonight try for two weeks inless bad reaction then uo to .5 and think we should be able to see some good weight loss at that dose
It might take two weeks of adjustment. He will probably feel bad the first couple of weeks. Not unusual. Maybe stretch the .25 out to 3 weeks.

Just my thoughts.
Not much change with the .25 I think there is placebo whwre is thinking more about eating less. One more shot of .25 next Friday then upping to .5. I’m hopi g that’s enough to have steady weight loss for him I’m not trying to make it too quick and dramatic. I mean food is one of the few things he looks forward to and grocery shopping is one of his hobbies haha. I feel like if I took too much from him he’ll just quit
Didn’t you say he is a big guy?

I seem to remember that dosing for larger folks weight loss is 2.3@ week…not ozempic but the other one.
Yhes about 300 I’m not trying to get him to 150 on like 6 months I just want hi to lose a steady 3-5 pounds a month this should help aid him with it
I haven’t seen that yet.

I can tell you it does cause indigestion, in me at least. But it’s no where near as bad as I’ve had in the past in my very later 30’s early 40’s at the end of my first marriage….dealing with my extremely evil first wife.

I have 4 diabetic related checkups/physicals a year with bloodwork and at least 2 more blood draws for other causes. I will post everything here… the good bad ugly.

For the good of this community.
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It is some potent drugs. Hopefully my ongoing physician monitoring will prevent any long term damage.