The UGM gains and goals giveaway contest 2017

Hey fellas don’t forget to keep updating your post. The more updates the easier it is for the judges to pick the winner. I just want everybody to know that this is still real and going on we only had one sponsor who pulled out the other sponsor who pulled out might actually still pay out the winnings because he is legit and doesn’t want 2 renege on his promises. So let’s get this thing going I want to see a lot more.

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So I looked through the posts for the contest. Almost no one wrote a final post with a summary.
Everyone who is interested in winning throw one up im going through them and will lock them at midnight tonight so I can read everyones beginning to end and pick the winner.
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Im a little late on the judging but I just came back to life ive been keeping up with the contest the whole time. It will not be the last contest that we have.
So I will get right to it I said the winners would be announced tonight and here it is.

1ST PRIZE @Fitraver
His thread was extremely detailed and was one that I have to say I very much enjoyed following.
I have to say between the diet and workout updates almost daily. He is the winner of the 2017 GAINS AND GOALS COMPETITION.
👏👏👏:clap:round of APPLAUSE 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

2nd place @Islandswole
This was an extremely hard decision I had 2 members that I wanted to give second place to and only 1 can take second place.

3rd place @Mrbell87
I could have seen a better summary but throughout the contest I saw gains and goals consistently

I definitely want to give a shoutout to @fitstudboi .
I wanted to give you second place for the constant gains that I saw and the effort you put forth.
Also @mataa59 your bulk was great and your build is great also.
This was an extremely hard decision to make between all the contestants. This was a great competition and I can’t wait to do it again.

If the winners contact me I will point you in the right direction to claim your prizes.

Thanks to everyone for competing
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Congrats @Fitraver ! 💪 🎉🍾 be expecting your prize winnings from IJL brother! PM us at your convenience 🙏
On behalf of every one else congrats as well for competing and just because this competition is over doesnt meant slow down, keep up with your goals and keep us all posted! Thanks to @Bigmurph for being such a great Host even though he is a very busy guy! Thanks brother
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