The year of the Comeback!

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There are a lot of different things I’ve been taught to help strengthen the auxiliary muscles for dl everyone is different but I’ve found for me getting the greatest gains was the constant resistance on the grip lower back and shoulders at least for having good form. @Poppy what is a gm?

In my prior post I said one month. Meant to say one summer
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“Good morning”

A hip hinge movement not unlike a rdl. The bar is on your back like a squat. I prefer to do them off safety pins set up in power rack. A little safer… helps gauge depth.
Oh good mornings. I do those occasionally when I work out with a friend who pushes them on me. He is a serious lifter.
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My lower back is usually too fucked from heavy days to do the accessory movements but when I switch back to powerlifting program I should have more test days and just have like three to four lifts on workout days
@Poppy, that is the plan. Continue to train DL’s while I get my knees healthy or healthyish? I’m sure having a 5 year break from training like this while I was dealing with a janky hip allowed a lot of calcification to build up in my knees.
@Rusty, I do similar exercises, paused deadlifts with the pause in different spots… usually somewhere between 3-6” above the ground or right at the knees, then you really have to activate the hips to pull the lift through. As far as auxiliary work, I would give mg left nut to be able to do GM’s or even Glute Hams… miss both of those greatly! I can do RDL’s, but have to keep it fairly light, my hamstrings are so tight I don’t need to have a great ROM to activate them, and reverse hypers are always good to throw in just for general lower back health, although I cannot use weight on those any more either… just my legs, and I really control the concentric and eccentric activation of my glutes.

As far as last nights training, all I can say is BLAH. My head wasn’t in it, but I still did it. I didn’t do my top set on bench, not because of pain in my shoulder but because of lack of a spot. And I only did 2 sets of 3 on my paused DL’s, but that is because I have to turn around tonight and go in and pull 400 for a couple sets, so I didn’t want to completely drain myself. Accessory work was, well, accessory work… I would also like to note, that in lieu of my squats last night, I did banded pull aparts as well as internal and external rotation for my shoulders, and body weight stand ups with a shoulder width stance to an 18” box… sets of 8-15 between my working sets on bench and DL. The first few sets were very taxing on my knees, but once they warmed up they were ok.
That’s where I always do it get the initial pull pause then try and explode hell I May do some on Saturday instead of other hip hinge movement s
I’ll say this, pulling 400 x 3 x 5 one day after paused pulls with 350 isn’t the greatest idea in the world, but we got her done! That’s 85%, and it’s actually the heaviest I’ve pulled since the first of the year, so it was quite a shock to my CNS. Close grips went surprisingly well for having just benched 2 days ago as well, and as much as I hate pendlay rows, they felt good too. I skipped my accessory work, by the time I was done with the big 3 for last night I was gassed and just ready to leave. I’ll make up for it this weekend. Lowering test levels always fucks me up for a couple weeks. This weekends workouts will be interesting, as I’m having a cyst the size of a golf ball removed from my upper back on Friday… I call it my twin, it’s been there since 2016, I’ll probably miss it a little when it’s gone, but it will be nice to not have it getting caught on shit and listening to my wife tell me how fucking gross it is.

Here’s last nights log
Had Bench today, was also supposed to do squats and pin squats. Instead of those I opted for body weight box squats concentrating on slow eccentric movements, and really activating my glutes and bringing my hips all the way through on the concentric side of the movement, as well as eccentric 1 leg extensions, with a 5 second negative hold for sets of 8. I’ve added NPP back into my supplementation @ 50 mg EOD, along with my test which I’m currently in the process of lowering to 200 mg/wk.
Bench went well, the only thing that really bothered me was the spot on my back where I had a cyst removed yesterday, that was slightly tender… tomorrow is deadlifts and paused deadlifts, should be fun!

On a side note, I can still smell all the nasty fucking shit that came out of one of the cysts yesterday, even though I’ve taken 2 showers since, it’s like the smell is permanently burned into my nose, it’s fucking horrible!

Here’s the log
I figure I’ll add it in at a low dose while I lower test and work on elongating the ligaments in my knees to help the process along, I can push my blood work retest back a couple extra weeks as well, get a good 10 week run out of NPP, get off and let myself stabilize on just test before I have to get re checked. Maybe by then with stretching and rehab exercises, my knees won’t feel like a piece of fine China when I come off the NPP.
Deadlifted yesterday and hit some pendlay rows. I was also supposed to do pause pulls, but I neglected to do them. I need to assess my training as a whole and make minor tweaks to my routines. With the way my knees feel, sometimes I get a little worried about the condition of my right hip, or even over training my left prosthetic hip, and that’s not something we want. I need to get better about incorporating mobility, but there’s only so much I can do with my left leg, I can’t put it in funny stupid positions or even move it too far passed the center line of my body or too far away (abduction) for risk of dislocation. Anyways, my problems to worry about and solve, just need to have a few free minutes to sit down and think. Here’s the log from yesterday

This question is meant with full respect.

Have you ever thought of complete retirement from PLing?

Maybe shoot for “gym rat” status. Not being a smart azz. Just asking.
@Poppy, frankly, no. Even when my hip was at its worst, I was eyeing a comeback of some form. I get bored easily training like a bodybuilder, then my workouts end up about 30 min long and do absolutely nothing for me. The “pump” does nothing for me, and training arms does nothing for me. Every time I try switching my training up to something more hypertrophy based, I end up burned out and not even wanting to go to the gym. Who knows though, maybe it’s what I need. It’s not what I want though, I know that

@Bigmurph, yes it is, I think I maybe should have eased a little more into things, and I need to be better about incorporating de-loads, I was always bad about that. I hate them, I didn’t even enjoy being a bum the week of a meet, I always felt like I lost more than I gained by utilizing active rest on week 0.
I don’t blame you in the least. Like I told you before. I miss programming/monitoring/ adjusting the very most.

Rest assured. If i ever list an “arm day” in my log, I’ve already punched myself in the crotch. No offense to our BB brothers…I’m with @JB_rD81. I like the movement, strength over hypertrophy.
You have strong dedication brother. Our bodies sometimes don’t have the same dedication we do I know that my body stopped me from being able to lift heavy when I ruptured my bicep. I tried to come back and be as strong as I was but my busted arm just couldn’t handle my minds push.
So I had to cut back before I got another injury.
You don’t have to ever stop what you love you just have to adjust it I lift lighter with higher reps it allows me to reach my goals but not what my dedication was before my injury. I can still do what I love though just had to adjust what I was used to
Had to push my Tuesday workout to tonight, was a little busy last night with family. Went in tonight very tired, lethargic and un motivated to lift… as always happens when I lower my test… was supposed to squat, bench and hit paused DL’s, but with my knees my squat was limited to body weight squats and stretching… bench went well, struggled a little on the working sets, but my head was elsewhere so that doesn’t shock me, I still got all my sets, all my reps and paused everything. Paused DL’s were light, I decided the other night to reduce my training numbers, so my paused DLS tonight were at 310 rather than 350… I’m toying with the idea of switching things up after next week (week 4 of undulating periodization) and hitting 8 weeks of ZERO barbell work, all dumbbells and functional exercises… more of a hypertrophy and endurance rep range than a pure strength rep range… but I absolutely refuse to have a fucking arms day! @Bigmurph i know where you’re coming from with the torn bicep, I partially tore mine in my teen years, it’s left my right bicep almost an inch shorter than my left and keeps me from completely straightening my arm at times, it looks kind of cool when I do curls, but I think if I could go back to 1996 I’d fix it. I need to preserve what’s left of my body, and take care of what ales me before I push on and make certain injuries worse…

Here’s the log from tonight


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