Pushed my Thursday workout to last night due to a busy week. I’ve noticed when I drop my squats to 18”, my knees are destroyed for about 2 days afterwards… feeling like they’re going to give out with almost every step and almost impossible to bend… this is completely new, as my knees NEVER felt this way before, and I squat no where near what I used to squat in a normal workout prior to my hip injury. I’m not sure if this is the elasticity escaping my ligaments now that I’m over the age of 40 or if it’s just because my body is telling me it hates me and I’m pushing past it’s limits now… so, after that, SSB squats to an 18” box went well, it was only 190# but still put quite a strain on my knees, so much so that by the last set I had opened my stance up with my feet almost outside my shoulders, a stance I’m Leary of taking now with the fake hip, however it relieves pressure on my knees. Close grip was interesting, as I was super setting with my SSB squats, and probably a little low on calories yesterday. My first set of 205 I barely got the 8th rep, I’m not sure I even actually locked it out before I racked, the 2nd and 3rd sets were touch and go with ALOT of space between my ass and the bench. Pendelay rows as much as I dislike them, went fairly well. My accessory work was sub par as well, I removed the banded push-ups and seated cable rows, but I still did those fucking Cuban Presses! Tomorrow will deadlift heavy, and Tuesday will be Day 1 session 1 of Undulating Periodization… we’ll see how that goes, I definitely need to figure my knees out!