Well, I’m terrible about posting now that I’m not following an actual routine… I did some shoulders and minimal biceps/triceps on Saturday, and did my light legs w/deadlifts yesterday. Shoulders went well, I did them in reverse starting with face pulls and meadows 6 ways, did some side raises and rear delt rope pull downs next, followed by supinate front raise really light and finished with dumbbell overhead presses. My legs day yesterday was the interesting day… I decided early yesterday I was going to do something stupid, I wanted to see how fast my out of shape ass could do 10x10 @ a moderate weight in deadlifts… so I picked 225 (a little less than 50% of my current 1RM) and chose 90 seconds rest between sets… I’m used to short rest, but not with that high of volume. Needless to say, I did it, and it kicked my ass. By the last couple sets I was re setting between every rep, we pushed through though… the rest of the leg work out was pretty standard, leg extensions and hamstring curls, finished off with kettle bell one leg step ups with a slow controlled eccentric contraction.
Knees feel better day by day… biceps and shoulder is hit or miss…