The year of the Comeback!

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You’ve got the base strength brother. You can nudge towards “power building”.

It’s became popular in the last 10 years or so. I was doing it before it had a name after I quit powerlifting.

Just start with one main movement you like… lift heavyish…then move on to the fluff n buff stuff.
You speak of Dante’s Dog Crapp… I knew guys 15 years ago that raves about it, I have it printed out somewhere in a folder, read through it a few times… I could get into power building I think, I don’t like how heavily he leans on rack pulls and other half ROM exercises
My opinion is guys like me have to be judicious in our lifting. Box squats and benching with pads in our shirts to limit injuries. Not always but rotated in and out for safety.
Well, I’m terrible about posting now that I’m not following an actual routine… I did some shoulders and minimal biceps/triceps on Saturday, and did my light legs w/deadlifts yesterday. Shoulders went well, I did them in reverse starting with face pulls and meadows 6 ways, did some side raises and rear delt rope pull downs next, followed by supinate front raise really light and finished with dumbbell overhead presses. My legs day yesterday was the interesting day… I decided early yesterday I was going to do something stupid, I wanted to see how fast my out of shape ass could do 10x10 @ a moderate weight in deadlifts… so I picked 225 (a little less than 50% of my current 1RM) and chose 90 seconds rest between sets… I’m used to short rest, but not with that high of volume. Needless to say, I did it, and it kicked my ass. By the last couple sets I was re setting between every rep, we pushed through though… the rest of the leg work out was pretty standard, leg extensions and hamstring curls, finished off with kettle bell one leg step ups with a slow controlled eccentric contraction.

Knees feel better day by day… biceps and shoulder is hit or miss…
I’m thinking of detroit g some glutes tonight but I’m sure lines a good idea.
Tonight… it feels like pieces of elastic from my socks are holding my right shoulder and biceps together… WTF
Upper body push last night, as my post from yesterday stated… my right shoulder and biceps felt like they were literally hanging on by threads, which is surprising seeing as how I had a shot on Monday night with NPP in it, usually that makes me feel better… I was able to do a few pressing excercises, flat dumbbells and low incline dumbbells, then I did low incline flyes and held the stretch for a few seconds on every rep, after that I was pretty much done. Threw in some light side raises, skull crushers and a superset of rope pushdowns and rope hammer curls, and that was what I called a night!
Well, the partial tear of the biceps tendon is about 25 or 26 years old now, it happened playing HS football and the doctor told me I was too young to worry about correcting a partial tear. My shoulder has been opened twice when I was in my younger 20’s, still in college throwing shootout, and I’ve always said after the 2nd surgery, I won’t have a 3rd… unless it involves a metal arm like Captain America’s friend Bucky Barnes… bahahaha. @Poppy , I just need to be better about listening… I preach, but I don’t practice… I practice idiocy mixed with insanity and I get an amazing high from it… the heavier the weight, the more it hurts, the better it feels
Went into the gym yesterday after taking the majority of the week off… did things a little different. Had a lower body workout and did DL’s as well, but during my warmups I really concentrated on activating and pre exhausting my glutes… warmed up with the following exercises for about 1 min each, backwards lunges, single leg RDL with a high knee kick, backwards monster walks with a red band and side shuffle with a red band. Deadlifts felt good yesterday, didn’t get too crazy, went 5x5 @ 315 with no belt, really concentrated on pulling my hips through at the top of the movement… then did some split squats with dumbbells, 3 sets of 8, and finished with extensions, ham curls and calves…
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