SB Labs

This could honestly decide the future of America

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President Biden will be giving a speech about spending almost another 2 trillion dollars.
Its supposed to be infrastructure but a democratic definition of infrastructure is definitely different than my definition.
I thought that it was infrastructure now it seems that they came up with a better name lol listed below.

I believe that the USA has spent to much money to quickly. People are predicting that the dollar will collapse in 2021. These are well educated people this isn’t bro science. The dollar has already dropped 7% or more so don’t think that this is a conspiracy theory. In 2034 China will pass the USA as the world leader if things continue the way they are right now.

If this bill passes with everything hidden inside of it that has nothing to do with infrastructure the changes after 9/11 are going to look extremely small compared to how much the USA will change.

American Rescue plan 2 trillion

American jobs plan 2.65 trillion

American family plan 1.8 trillion

6+ trillion in 3 months WTF

Even I can see that something is very wrong.

I watched Biden say that he was going to get introuble for answering questions? How does the president of the USA get introuble for anything from anyone unless its his wife and I really don’t believe that it was lol

They raided Rudy Guilliane apartment you know that’s retaliation for attacking his son. That’s bs his son is a grown man and fucked up big time.

Please everyone stop listening to the news and really look into what is actually happening and fact check because its nothing but lies being told on TV or online just make sure what you are actually being told isn’t completely bullshit because this seems to be the new way.

I wanted to add it doesn’t matter if you are a Republican or Democrat these things are all your tax money. All Americans are effected by this please look into what is happening thats all im asking im not pushing an agenda.
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He’s going to “reimagine” the word, infrastructure. The new meaning is give Hunter 5 million dollars for coke and whores, give a billion to illegals so they can get $50,000/year to assimilate into Democrat life, etc.
Yeah, I’m already tired of buying some government official a new car every year with my tax money. Then be told how I’m so privileged to be in that position as I work to the bone on the daily. My biggest bill is my tax bill by far
I saw 48%-56% taxes if you make over 250k then I heard 1 million I don’t know which is true?
Way to much though everyone is going to leave lol
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All kidding aside. We do need an infrastructure upgrade but what he wants is just what @johnjuanb1 said. None of this ( or very little) money will go into upgrades. This bullshit will get passed too, it is just about negotiating how much needs to go to the republicans pockets first. All politians are scumbags
I agree that’s why this truly is an American issue not Democrat or Republican.
Its seriously alot of weird things but then some good but I can only imagine what I don’t know about thats written in smh
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I apologize I was actually wrong this isn’t about infrastructure at all that I guess already is over I don’t know but now im seeing that its about free everything for everyone???wtf this is what im saying information is horrible nowadays.

I can’t believe that the President would actually announce turning America into a socialist/communist country? I don’t believe it

I believe that it might be something like that but people are reporting craziness
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I live in the center of the most expensive city in the US. State and local taxes are huge and now only deductible up to $10k. Real estate taxes here are more than most people pay for a mortgage payment and are subject to the $10k cap as well. Add the state and local tax rate to the max federal rate and throw in real estate taxes, then add in all the retirement deductions Biden would take away and the increased rates across the board and my current 58% goes somewhere significantly north of 60%. Maybe not 70%, but pretty damn close.
I agree; it is insanity. It incentivizes people to earn less than the bracket that fucks you over. I also am subject to taxation in every jurisdiction in which my firm does business, foreign and domestic, which adds about $30k of taxes to the tab every year. Every jurisdiction wants its slice, however minimal your business is in that jurisdiction. It’s crazy.
Honestly you need to move either to another country or atleast another state that’s absolutely crazy it can’t be worth it I just can’t believe that it could be smh
Retirement friendly I assume?

Break break. Duhhhhh no state income tax

I got it!
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