SB Labs

This could honestly decide the future of America

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You can’t control it so let it go. Don’t even watch or listen.
“The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money” Margret Thatcher The Iron Lady.

The are creating a dependency economy instead of an opportunity economy. Economic failure is absolutely assured (e.g., Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea, USSR).
It’s a cyclical, it’ll come back. Like all other shit storms in history this too shall pass. Don’t watch the news. There is nothing but doom amd gloom on there. Skip it and read a book
The news is nothing but garbage and lies you need to take channel A and add what channel B says and you might get close to the truth.
Your right its a waste of time
I agree. All it will take is one serious economic downturn caused by the drop of the dollar and high inflation and low growth and bam, in will come the Reganites to alter the balance. Or so one can hope.
I am envious of Hunter. 5 million is a lot of whoring! And whores do need their coke. Where can I sign up for that gig?
Fred, Whore Master Extraordinaire. I am digging the sound of that.
I would posit that rebalance, or the pendulum swing, will be in proportion to the downturn. The stagflation and economic downturn of the 1970s resulted in the Reaganites (Art Laffer, Volker, etc.) and their policies. However, a monumental economic downturn may well result in more revolutionary types such as the National Socialists, Maoists, Leninists, and our more recent friends: The Khmer Rouge. Let us hope that Biden and his comrades do not turn us into a Wiemar Republic economy.
They want to break everyone fast and make the. Dependent on them then they give you a bone pat you on the head and say good boy I do t care if you take all the top tax brackets money as a tax it isn’t remotely as big as the middle class and that is who carries this country on its back it’s sad I can’t get a waitress in a restaurant cause it pays more to not work there are jobs everywhere but no one will take them till the money train runs out I can tell you this much my state is red except for two or three major cities and no way would it ever be blue but they figured out how to farm votes not illegally or maybe can’t say but they slowly turn the country blue and the republicans sit there and get rich too while blaming them they are all govt and no one has my best interest in mind but me and sometimes that’s questionable
Yep. It’s always a mystery to me why people buy into the “soak the rich” philosophy. There aren’t enough rich people to tax to make much of a difference. Thus, it is always the middle class that ends up bearing the brunt of a tax increase. Only the middle class is sufficiently numerous to generate enough tax revenues from a tax increase to fund crazy expenditures like what Biden is proposing. So it’s always “only the rich will pay this tax increase,” but inevitably, when the numbers are crunched, they HAVE to dip deeply into the middle class to cover the nut. That’s why IMHO limited government and limited taxation is better. The alternative is a slippery slope of governmental dependence and confiscatory taxation.
Yeah and 2 percent is actually going to roads and other infrastructure lmao what the hell are these clowns doing.
I still say the election was rigged
I did like the part he said about taxing the rich. I guess most of these billion dollar companies pay $0 in taxes. Idk since my money gets taken each week, I don’t get why the rich don’t to do the same. That money will add up big time. If your making 10x more a month then me then you should pay the same percentage of taxes imo. The rich should not be given passes to get richer while the middle class struggles to even get by. I’m not a biden fan but this did catch my attention.
No civilization in history has ever taxed itself into prosperity.

WRT to corporate taxes. Please be aware that corporations are always double taxed (income) due to the inherent structure of the USA tax code. Here is how:
  1. The first tax comes when the corporation shows a profit. This is currently at 21%. Biden proposes to increase that to 32%. That is an immediate confiscation of 1/3 of a corporation’s money.
  2. The second tax happens when the corporation releases the remaining profit to the shareholders. The owners (i.e., shareholders - you and I that own stock such as a 401k etc.) have to pay taxes on that profit.
Now that is just income tax. Consider all of the local taxes and sales taxes that a corporation pays. Every time they purchase raw materials, that transaction is taxed. Payroll taxes, county taxes, utilities, - the list is endless. They have to hire so many CPAs, MBAs, and the like just to keep on top of taxes because the corporate tax code is so complex that not one human being could possibly understand all of it. If it gets untenable for a corporation, they can always just file in the Cayman Islands or any number of other countries and be done with the USA tax code mess.
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So true and this is exactly what’s happening they are seeding votes in states that they need to win to hold the white house I don’t know how they are allowing it to happen
They keep talking about taxing only the rich its bullshit read the first relief package and that’s were the taxes on regular people are raised but that doesn’t get spoken about now because no one took the time to understand the first package he is only talking about the third package.

Completely crazy im supposed to be crazy and politicians are making me look extremely normal lol lol
Cluster said:
I still say the election was rigged
I actually believe that every election is rigged im really starting to look back at like bill Clinton beating bush sr and of course Trump winning and then Biden winning I believe that possibly all these were rigged elections.

Free free free is all people here they don’t hear taxes, less freedom and more govt oversight
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