SB Labs

This could honestly decide the future of America

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I completely agree with what you’re saying brother its America and everything should be equal and fair. The problem is that you will see once the first package passes your paycheck will be less money because he is raising taxes on everyday individuals also I agree that the rich need to pay more taxes but I can understand saying taxes are 33% across the board so everyone in America would pay 33% of there income. That makes sense to me I think that if you tax the rich 50%+ there all going to leave and without the rich living in America we will never be able to pay off 30 trillion dollar deficit.
I just wish that they could negotiate and meet in the middle because im starting to feel like the government is doing whatever they want and it scares me.

I also believe that its atrocious that the top 5 billionaires doubled there wealth in one year last year I believe that they need to give that money back. I believe that its illegal to profit off of disaster which the pandemic is im really upset about this and the fact that they didn’t do anything about the fact that they doubled there billions of wealth they need to make massive donations to America in my opinion.
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Fred said:
If it gets untenable for a corporation, they can always just file in the Cayman Islands or any number of other countries and be done with the USA tax code mess.
This I truly believe is all that’s going to take place there going to leave and take the money with them well atleast what they already don’t have hidden lol great post
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I wanted to thank everyone for being able to have this conversation like adults. I very much appreciate that from everyone in this thread this would have turned into a mess usually but this was an excellent educated discussion.

Just because I am a testosterone-laden ape that repeatedly picks up heavy objects and sets them back down, does not preclude me from engaging in intellectual discourse. lol 🙂

But seriously, I enjoyed this thread and everyone’s input contained thought and merit. The discussion was stimulating and it gave me wood.
Its great that we can talk like this at ugmuscle without it turning into a royal rumble. Its great honesty the community is really tight alot of guys have around 2yrs were glad to have you around brother.
Exactly right brother it hasn’t passed yet but I bet you can’t find the information on the first package with the taxes for regular people.
They have it somewhere but shouldn’t it be available really easy with a Google search?
I find that sketchy that it isn’t?

These are there names

American Rescue plan

American jobs plan

American family plan

Actually the first one I believe is already passed I believe that is the direct payments plus everything else that was supposed to go to American citizens.

This is also a big problem I follow this as closely as possible and even I don’t have the right answers. Why can’t they just say this is it and make it simple. Smh I wish it could be simple.

If you do find out how much the regular taxes will be please let me know because I know one has an increase in income tax out of paychecks.
I knew that’s how it worked lol its crazy as hell that you can’t get information on this stuff soon enough govt will be making all the decisions for us anyway or so it seems SMH
They don’t want to advertise all those back door deals till it’s over if you can’t read it you can let people know what’s really in it but at this point i am pretty sure that they are gonna do what they want and they do I think they give the majority what they want wether it be trump or Biden or Obama it’s a show to appease the masses keep us passified or divided because that is how we are weak
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