That’s a good readI decided to post information that I gathered from the web for those wanting to start researching DHB, 1-Test cyp because it has become such a popular choice of compound to run and I figured I could help get the information search going. 4-Dihydroboldenone is a metabolite of boldenone. Boldenone is an androgenic anabolic steroid (AAS) intensively used for growth promoting purposes in animals destined for meat production and as a performance enhancer in athletics. Therefore its use is official…
That’s an even better readOk so I did alot of research to come up with these results and I understand now after all the reading that I have done why everyone is so confused about this compound. It now also makes sense to me why it kinda just came out of nowhere all of a sudden. The reason for this is because DHB,1-TEST CYP or whatever you want to call it is just simply. 1-testosterone !!! That’s it simple for those of us who used pre or prohormones know about 1-testosterone most likely. What has been done here is wh…