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SB Labs

Thunder Log

Thunder said:
Chest is so congested
I had that and still do. Headaches only lasted two days. Crucial pain, eye watering headaches. About to weeks in and I’m still blowing really sticky snot. Does make working out a tad difficult for breathing.
I didn’t fall off the wagon yall I jumped.
Not consistently eating clean but I am hitting the gym 4-5 times a week.
I’ve been experimenting with a low dose protocol.
I picked up a couple of those 12 ml bottles of prop and mast prop that have been hitting 3 times a week at 150 mg per week. I still feel like I’m bloating though. I need to brake down and get to the damn doctor and see what my innards are up too. I’m concerned I’m might be getting close to diabetes because even when I lock it down and nail the diet for a week I don’t feel or see any weight loss.
Also, my soon to be ex filed for divorce!
That hit me harder than I was anticipating in light of what she was doing and how the chick acted the two years we were together.
Anyway… fuck her
I wish one of you MF’s lived here and could put hands on me when I’m eating like shit. I could really use the backup. Seems like I just don’t care enough about me to toe the line and if I’m being totally honest with myself, and yall, I’m a food addict. Probably why I’ve been so big all my life. I have no discipline . I don’t want some major medical event to have to happen to wake me up I’d like to avoid all that if possible but unfortunately it takes suffering to get me to act.
Alright! Let’s break it down:

Low dose protocol: you’re dosing blind without lab work, could be contributing to your bloat.

Bloat: you’re eating shit foods. Of course you’re bloating. You’re GI track is probably a wreck from years of eating poorly.

Lack of weight loss: brutal honesty time… if you are not tracking your macros, you are lying to yourself about what you’re putting in and that’s why you’re not losing the weight. 99% of time this is the cause.

Your innards: go to the goddamn doctor.

Your discipline: or lack there of. Discipline equals freedom. Stop giving yourself the choice to deviate and you will stop deviating. You want to be free from all that fat? Discipline.

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All that makes perfect sense to me.

Divorce is one of the worst things to happen to me. It will tear your mind apart.

Food junkie…. Check! I ate anything and everything. Wifey is an extraordinary cook/baker. It took me several years to break out of my norm. It’s been 11 years as a type 2 and im still weeding through things.

Staying on here will get you support…
Poppy said:
This stuff aint easy for most of us
Amen. I think some make it look easy… genetics… myself and dirt are great examples on different spectrums… meaning aspects of our goals come easier to us than others. Not saying we’re the gift to bbing and PLing.

There’s still plenty of this that is sheer determination and just “elbows and assholes get shit done” as my father would say.