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Tips on Hair routine?

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My father is bald and I want to prevent it as much as I can. My hair is fine for nowbut it’s inevitable.

I bought some off brand rogaine because it was cheap but has same amount as rogaine.

What does everyone do?
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If start going bald I would just shave it. But I’m not that far yet so I need something to keep it or grow it back thicker
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Im getting old and the primobolan that I love has my hair line pulling back quickly. When I come off it seems like it recovers a bit but still losing hair for sure rogaine and I believe finsterstibe im definitely sure I spelled that wrong but it blocks dht which causes hair loss. It might help and its not hard to find.
I’m hoping I don’t go bald, my dad never went bald and he’s in his 70’s.

My mom’s side is a different story, but I hope I’m safe lol, haven’t thinned out yet and I’m in my early 40’s.
also I think I’m allergic to cypionate so I’m switching to enanthate. The oils in it that is
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Could be. A lot of people have issues with Cyp. I have rarely heard of issues with enathate.
Check out supreme hairline inc It’s scalp pigmentation… its a different approach A friend of mine who’s a master Barber does the sort of procedures at his Barbershop
Mines down to the middle of back so I just got ash and condition every other day. Then let dry naturally and through it up in a knot
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