Bigmurph6 Banned Feb 20, 2019 #21 Can’t stop Won’t stop Crip or cry Do or die Something like a war cry when I was young
John FORUM MODERATOR Staff member VIP Veteran Feb 20, 2019 #22 Oh but did you have a war face? I’d show ya mine but it’s pretty ugly
John FORUM MODERATOR Staff member VIP Veteran Feb 20, 2019 #24 Ha ha but it’s ugly not scary, however I do come in bedroom sometimes with my old paintball mask on, telling the woman she is about to get fucked up
Ha ha but it’s ugly not scary, however I do come in bedroom sometimes with my old paintball mask on, telling the woman she is about to get fucked up
Bigmurph6 Banned Feb 20, 2019 #25 Your fucking crazy you got me laughing in public looking like a fool lol
John FORUM MODERATOR Staff member VIP Veteran Feb 20, 2019 #26 Well people say laughing is healthy so yay
John FORUM MODERATOR Staff member VIP Veteran Feb 20, 2019 #27 I will say that I started test e @750 week and 10 mg a lgd a day 3 weeks ago, been off cycle since sept and I have been in a much better mood
I will say that I started test e @750 week and 10 mg a lgd a day 3 weeks ago, been off cycle since sept and I have been in a much better mood
I Islandswole Forum moderator Feb 20, 2019 #30 Murph, you should reach out to 44 and invite him here. He’d be a great addition so our already awesome family
Murph, you should reach out to 44 and invite him here. He’d be a great addition so our already awesome family
Bigmurph6 Banned Feb 22, 2019 #33 I know who you are talking about but I will try to invite him over as a member