To mask or not to mask?

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I wear it as little as possible, I’m in home depot a lot and people dont usually say anything, although recently a lady at riteaid basically lectured me, and I refrained from saying anything, the riteaid workers didn’t even tell me to put on,it stresses my wife a little, cause more or less I’m looking for a confrontation, it’s not healthy she says,and the therapist says the same thing, oh well.
Its amusing to me,we just were walking around this old fashion flea Market, and one lady was grilling me, but didn’t actually say anything,she and her husband eye fucked me, and I just held their eye contact, Until they looked away,yeah I win motherfuckers.
Stretch22 said:
Also love how CDC is like oh you got a vaccine?
Right WTF is this BS and Pfizer submitted a medicine to treat covid19 if we have a vaccine why do we need a medication to treat the virus.
I’ve been so upset that I can’t find shit about this medication and why its going to market if we’re working on aradiccation?
NeuroRN said:
It’s been pretty well documented that uniformly woven fabrics- bandana, t shirts, whatever cloth contraption- can prevent nothing from spreading
Sorry I thought that you were saying that they did prevent transmission.

Thanks brother

Is this really true brother or do you need an N95 mask because im reading alot about 6 feet or 60 feet and 6 minutes if inside your not protected even if wearing a mask.

I hate misinformation and disinformation and I believe that I can’t get the truth from anyone?

Do you know
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I don’t know about the distance and time. If you can blow out a candle through your mask, it will prevent absolutely nothing.

Uniformly woven fabric will not prevent the spread.
Here is an electron microscope image of the difference. Provided by a cardiologist on Instagram.

If anyone asks why you don’t have a mask just say im vaccinated.
If they say anything else ask them why we got the vaccine then?
Your my hero I love your situation diffusion technique I mean you just talked me off a ledge.
I think if you want to wear one wear it but if you don’t don’t I bet @NeuroRN masks carry so much bacteria from breathing into them. The do have a purpose in certain areas I get it but at Mikey disease no I don’t. If you can eat the burger that hit the floor and got spit on you don’t need a mask I wear one when my wife asks because I love her and want her to feel secure but if an ass says something to me in public weeeelllll KADS SITUATION MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES VOLUME 1 for me pls
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I got all that from the MIT study that says if you have a mask on indoors you will still contract covid within 6 minutes if your wearing a mask and if the infected person is also wearing a mask then it extends to 12 minutes.

Outside they found that it is very difficult to catch covid so masks outdoors were lifted but they said that distance doesn’t matter 6ft to 60ft if you’re indoors.
Man, to be honest. I know I’m in the best shape of my life, physically and health. But I’ve been cough on, breathed on, intubated patients, etc etc to find out they have covid two days later. And nothing.
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