Hi everyone. New to the board. Looking to bounce ideas and get feedback from all the knowledge here. Brief history and goals…
I’m just about to turn 41. I’ve been a gym rat since I was 15. After I finished athletics in my early 20s, my competitive juices focused on strength training. I began supplementing around that time. From my late 20’s until around 35 I picked up jiu jitsu and MMA. During this period, my daily routine consisted of weight training in the mornings 5 days a week and MMA 6 nights a week. I’ve had four different surgeries and some nagging injuries since then. I haven’t trained MMA consistently in the past 6 years, and none in the past 2. I continued to lift heavy (around my injuries), but that too fell off after my last knee surgery a year and a half ago.
I’ve been back in the weight room or a month and a half. I’m taking it very slow and easy…listening to my body, so my routine hasn’t been a big consideration. I’m about to the point where I need to put some thought into it. Eventually, I’d like to get back into casual MMA training, but I don’t see that happening until I get my body and strength back. My 3-4 month goals are to get back my beast mode strength, get in better overall shape, get my eight pack back, and quite frankly fill the sleeves of my shirts again. I do plan on supplementing in the next couple of months.
I have the problem of wanting to do too much, but I do respond well to lots of training.
Should I do a simple M (back/bis), Wed (chest/shoulders/tris), F (legs) with T, Th, S for cardio and core.
Or should I go with something that I hit a muscle group twice in a week, but with different exercises?
M (bench presses),
T (bent over rows, upright rows, pulls),
W (low intensity cardio),
Thurs (shoulder raises, flies, tris),
Fri (squats)
S (low intensity cardio)
Sun off
.followed by
M (incline dumbells, chest flies
T (deads),
Wed (low intensity cardio, core),
Thurs (shoulder presses, tris)
Fri (lunges, leg curls, leg extensions)
Sat (low intensity cardio/core)
Apologies for the lengthy email. Thank you in advance for your help.
I’m just about to turn 41. I’ve been a gym rat since I was 15. After I finished athletics in my early 20s, my competitive juices focused on strength training. I began supplementing around that time. From my late 20’s until around 35 I picked up jiu jitsu and MMA. During this period, my daily routine consisted of weight training in the mornings 5 days a week and MMA 6 nights a week. I’ve had four different surgeries and some nagging injuries since then. I haven’t trained MMA consistently in the past 6 years, and none in the past 2. I continued to lift heavy (around my injuries), but that too fell off after my last knee surgery a year and a half ago.
I’ve been back in the weight room or a month and a half. I’m taking it very slow and easy…listening to my body, so my routine hasn’t been a big consideration. I’m about to the point where I need to put some thought into it. Eventually, I’d like to get back into casual MMA training, but I don’t see that happening until I get my body and strength back. My 3-4 month goals are to get back my beast mode strength, get in better overall shape, get my eight pack back, and quite frankly fill the sleeves of my shirts again. I do plan on supplementing in the next couple of months.
I have the problem of wanting to do too much, but I do respond well to lots of training.
Should I do a simple M (back/bis), Wed (chest/shoulders/tris), F (legs) with T, Th, S for cardio and core.
Or should I go with something that I hit a muscle group twice in a week, but with different exercises?
M (bench presses),
T (bent over rows, upright rows, pulls),
W (low intensity cardio),
Thurs (shoulder raises, flies, tris),
Fri (squats)
S (low intensity cardio)
Sun off
.followed by
M (incline dumbells, chest flies
T (deads),
Wed (low intensity cardio, core),
Thurs (shoulder presses, tris)
Fri (lunges, leg curls, leg extensions)
Sat (low intensity cardio/core)
Apologies for the lengthy email. Thank you in advance for your help.