SB Labs

TRT - my expierence with weekly updates

Day 20:
Just a quick update. I’m still loving it 😊
I have nearly no side effects. Just a little bit acne on my back and my clit is minimal swollen. But that happened in the second week and didn’t got worse since then so I’m not worried about it.
Sleep is good again. Mood and energy level is fantastic.

I didn’t loose any wheight ( was never the goal) but I look way leaner and kinda harder.

I’m supposed to get bloods this week.
Gut feeling tells me I’m running a bit high…
I will pin today, Wednesday and Saturday.
When would be the best day for blood work to get the most accurate results?

Question for the ladies here: any tips what would help with the acne on my back? It’s not horrible but still more than I’m used to…
Update after 1 month:

So I’m now one month in and I fucking love my life!

good news first:
  • after some try end error I don’t have any issues with PIP anymore
  • energy and overall mood are great. I got a little bit less emotional but in a positive way. Small problems in life don’t bother me so much anymore, I’m less stressed out and overall my mood is more balanced.
  • strenghts is going up like crazy, I’m building muscles faster ( but not crazy fast like on cycle)
  • Bodyfat is melting off of me like hot butter 🙂 I got way leaner the last 4 weeks. I had a dexa scan in January with 20% and I guess I’m now around 18%.
not so great news:
  • acne, a lot of acne…I was never prone to it but now my back looks horrible. I bought yesterday some OTC cream, hopefully it will help. Any advice what could help???
last week I upped my calories from 2500 (maintenance) to 2700 because I was constantly starving.
Hunger is now better and the scale didn’t go up at all. Still 145 lbs on 5’10"
I contemplate going up another 200 cals next week or so, just to see what happens…

I got blood drawn on Tuesday and will post the results when I get them.

EDIT for the ladies who are worried about it: I got last week my period ( on schedule) but it didn’t have the usual cramps, pain , water retention and moodiness bs
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Glad its working out for you sounds like what just what I’d suspect to happen with t in a female pt. As far as the acne goes, alot of times it will flare up upon beginning exogenous hormones, but will sometimes taper off. I personally only get acne when starting and coming off cycle
Everything sounds great I struggle with acne myself really bad and it sucks especially when the people that you see regularly start to look at you like wtf is wrong with you because I have acne from my forehead all the way down my face neck and back. I have to sleep on towels because I will bleed in my sleep its really bad.

You can take small amounts of accutane which is extremely bad for your body.
You can take an antibiotic like doxycycline or tetracycline but you have to be careful because they weaken your tendons I believe they can also put more stress on the body.

I also have been told here that dawn on a back brush is supposed to work really well
I use a shampoo that is for dandruff on my back, I don’t I get acne and red patches from extra oil/sweat.

Use it like 3x a week and when you put it on let it sit for a couple minutes before rinsing off.
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This is the one I found works the best, has a higher concentration of the active ingredient.

A dermatologist recommended using these for bacne and my red splotches.
My back would get really itchy and had to go on an antifungal because the redness was so bad at first, after that been using that shampoo and 0 issues since.

Selson Blue just didn’t work as well as Denorex.
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I also take 1000mg of L-Lysine a day for skin health, was recommended by a doctor as well. Been doing that for years and I did stop for about 3 months just to see if it actually helped. It does, while not taking it after a month I noticed redness and a more oily feel to my skin.