SB Labs

TRT - my expierence with weekly updates

Stupid question do you tan ? Always seemed to help. If I get little herberts all over my back my wife takes care of mine she is like a Lazer beam pimple popper loves to watch the pain it inflicts on me and the climax when it pops onto her shirt don’t ask me why she just a freak like that
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So I got the results from my blood test back.
  • Cholesterol total 113 mg/dl
  • HDL 30 mg/dl <–low
  • LDL 68 mg/dl
  • AST 23 U/L
  • ALT 29 U/L
  • Test total 189 ng/dl
  • Test free 16.2 pg/ml
  • Estradiol 34 pg/ml
  • FSH 4.1 mIU/ml
  • LH 0.9 mIU/ml
Looks like I’m running a little high 😅
I think I should drop down to 8mg/week but in the other hand I don’t have any sides beside some skin problems and I love the results…opinions?

Couple of questions
  • Low HDL. it was already on the lower side but still in range before I started. Is the test e responsible for the drop? and how can I get it up? I eat a lot of fish and avocado/nuts…
  • Estradiol is now 12 points higher then before but still really low for a woman. Should I be worried about it?
  • AST/ALT both are still in range but higher than last time. Just a natural fluctuation ?
I’m not a doc or a female my LDL has been a little low before trt just where I run my alt/ast have always ran higher since trt I would keep an eye on it take milk thistle to help drink plenty of water avoid other things that will raise it like alcohol drugs acetaminophen or other anti inflammatory meds you feel great now no need for anything extra
In my opinion your estrogen isn’t high your test is slightly but you don’t have any sides really and feel great no issues with your lady parts or menstrual cycle I wouldn’t base changing on one result unless it was real bad wait till you test some more and see if it’s an upward trend then adjust if needed but that is just an opinion oh and thanks for doing this and sharing it with us it is more helpful than you know
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We all love hard numbers 🙂
The test really helps me building muscle.
I didn’t made any significant changes to my workout or diet since the first scan. Here it’s obvious that without a normal testosterone level it’s nearly impossible to build any amount of muscle

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