Trying to bulk up and intro

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Hey everyone I’m Jamie 38 years old . I’m 6"3" tall 188 lbs . I’ve been a tree trimmer for the last 19 years when I got out of the army I was at 225 lbs solid my goal it to make it to 250 lbs .when I started I was 165lbs . I’m about to start my second cycle and it consists of all paraxemer . I’ve been looking for a while and @Mossy1985 is my boss at work and work out partner at times advised me of this sight . He helped me set up my cycle and dosages. I will be running sust 250 2x a week deca 200 2× a week adex and debol for preworkout post cycle clomid nolidex and hcg and provrion all the time
Welcome to ugmuscle brother glad to have you around I look forward to hearing about your cycle and gains.
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Welcome aboard! I’m sure that diet has been pushed on you. To make those big gains, need protein and calories. Good luck and let us know how it goes.
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