Appreciate that. You guys were talking bout me going to Philippines. We’ll just landed a big commercial gig close to home and lead guys on commercial are bid out at 120 per hour. So come Christmas we’re going to Philippines
Lol. Can’t find hardly anyone skilled anymore. Why it’s a contractors market. Shoot raises my residential rates to $80. No one has trouble with it. Up in the UP I think there is like only one drywall company for the whole place guy charges double what folks do down here.
Naw. Wife worked yesterday so she wasn’t feeling like cooking. Most days she does after work but some days she deserves to take it easy. I never complain.
Ya. Have no desire to go back to jail. Last time I learned to have a healthy fear of consequences. Am to old for that stuff ready for a new season in life without so many regrets.
Lifted did dumbell press 70s till failure and butterflys and leg press machine. Ive been watching a trainer preaching on going to failure so ive been trying it
I like doing giant sets where on my last of four I fail between 8 and 10. If I do less then 8 use less weight next time. If more then 10 add weight next time. Been a while since I did that. Learned it on you tube I believe from John Meadows. Could be wrong about that like I said it’s been a while.
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