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SB Labs

Want to get my lady on beginner ana cycle


Well-known member
This forum is my go to in terms of the most ethical and safest ways of approaching a cycle.

My old lady is looking to tone up, and drop a few pounds, I noticed our computer had a search history for anavar.

So we talked about it.

I was wondering what its the most ethical and safest dose for her to run.

Ideally she is usually 170lbs, she is curvy or thick.(So anyone who is bottom heavy or top heavy your opinion would be greatly appreciated)

We are chasing a more toned look versus and number on the scale if that makes sense.

How long should the cycle be, and how long in between cycles should we choose to do another one?

So far the numbers have been all over the place in terms of cycle lengths examples include

10mg for 4 weeks
10 mg for 2 weeks followed by 20mg for 2 weeks and 10mg for the last 2
10mg for 8 weeks
10mg for 12 weeks

What is the best protocol with min effects, we were thinking of maybe doing 10mg at 2 weeks, followed by 20mg for 2 and 10mg for the last two weeks?

Any guidance would help.

We lift 4-5 times a weeks, her deadlift for example is 325lbs, and squat is 295lbs, we are not beginners or newbies, just new to this side of the fitness
I’d say a few things .

Rad-140 5mg to 10 mg for 10 weeks .

Var and winny 5mg to 20 mgs 8 weeks .

Primo 25mg to 50mg Ed for 10 weeks .

HGH - .2 to 1.6 5 days on 2 days off.

Mk -677 - 5mg to 12.5 Ed

Test C or E - 30mg to 100 mgs per week 8 week cycle .

Tbol- 5mg to 10mg Ed for 4 to 6 weeks

Also start on the low side for all cycles if no problems go up from there . Also if probably stop rigth then .

Also test and tbol cycles are for advance users .

Hope this helps some
Also don’t stack until experienced cycles .

Now with that being said u can stack hgh or mk with another compound but that’s the only ones til very experienced .

Also ur going to need Ed meds or pt-141 to be able to keep up with her lol !!
I would actually go with a ephedrine hcl or eca stack or even clenbuterol before using hormones for a female.
Thisisn00ne17 said:
We are chasing a more toned look versus and number on the scale if that makes sense.
You can definitely get more toned up no problem by working out and dropping bf%.

I would also say that hgh is a great choice also to begin with for a female.

I would try this first and then if she still wants to take the leap I would definitely ask one of our female members for more information.
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I have ran it but it’s pricy . I use 25mgs mk-677 Ed now . Have for the past 2 years . My levels are around 377 all the time .

Her age will determine a lot of things also . I know woman don’t like to tell that .
Mk asks ur body to natural make more hgh . HGH just adds it to ur system at the amount u use . Help that makes since .
Let me also say this hgh isn’t going to change u overnight . It’s need to be ran at least 6 months to see the benefits .

Mk-677 is a cheaper good choice .

Let me also say she needs to do blood work . Need a base line and then. A month later to see the improve numbers . Then things can be adjusted from there . With the blood work you be able to see if her test is low , her estrogen is high and where her igf levels are .

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