We all lift and are conscious of our health but what kind of Wine if any, do you drink

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Im actually fighting in my state to help with the laws for driving under the influence and how people get treated for workers compensation if there injured.
Its a losing battle the people voted and it passed with a landslide.
Everyone is so upset about it because they didn’t want it to happen there hasn’t been any serious issues since it passed but like you said they want to demonize the evil weed.
NeuroRN said:
Have an adverse outcome for any reason other than the weed smoked the night before work, and test positive… goodbye career.
Its not right by any means and I hope that soon we will have judges start to back medical use im not even worried about recreational use that’s a whole different story I just want patients to be protected
It unfortunately goes back to who will lose money if it’s not demonized.

My state just legalized medical use, I was pushing for a med card bc of chronic knee and back pain with the medical documentation to back it… my manager said it’s federally illegal so therefore I will have my license terminated.
Even if they don’t legalize it they need to reschedule it as atleast a 2 or 3 im sick of seeing heroin and cocaine classified lower than marijuana. It has to be the most outdated law on the books. It really upsets me that they don’t make it federally ok for medical use
It upsets most of the medical field. There so many amazing treatments just out of reach bc of classification of the drug. Thc nebulizers would be amazing for our end of life comfort care patients. But instead we push narcotics, Benzos, and every other sedative under the sun when I truly think THC in some form does the work of most of those at once.
It truly does and the fact that it can be taken as a capsule or eaten really makes it available for everyone to use and I would take it over any opiate for pain it works alot better than ibuprofen also its just alot more expensive or I would use it for all pain lol
Gin soda and lime is my go to used to drink them by the pint for free at bar back home. Was part of new bar tender training to understand that you fill it up don’t take money no questions asked
@NeuroRN I don’t care for crowded situations, don’t go out a lot to eat, or big stores, don’t need people moving all around me, or all that noise and commotion near me, makes my head not a pleasant place to be, and awhile back the VA had me on way to many sleep aids and benzos,… now time travel to right now, and I do use sleep aids but I bring my weed pen, and it works better and is overall a healthier choice.Dont get it twisted though, I do like to get high, but it helps tremendously in social situations.
Its a way to get an incentive in the municipality to collect tariff. Nothing is free its that few have a one track mind and lack foresight. It was great till it was legal now they are getting individuals in their pockets.
This is exactly what I use it for and I couldn’t agree more because I was heavily medicated which did nothing because I wouldn’t do anything on those meds. Now I can go out im in shape I get to enjoy life without being scared im going to be sent to prison for using marijuana.
I can’t imagine being in a state that didn’t have medical use at this point I would move because more than half have medical marijuana.
That’s the game they pay and now that its legal there trying to make and change other laws to be able to arrest you anyways I believe that private prisons is horrible you can’t make a business out of locking people up its crazy.
The USA has more people in prison than China and its 400 million to 6 billion so we should definitely not be that way
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