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We finally tried kratom the wife and i

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So I picked some up from a gas station and I gotta say I love it. I’ve being on it at the gym, no more nagging sore places. My wife likes it to due to here multiple spine surgeries. Gonna have to do more research tho as to what strain I like best. I’ve read alot of people saying don’t get it at a gas station cause its not very pure so we are trying some online places. What are yalls favorite strains? I think I remember this up in conversation a while back.
Maeng da is my favorite so far. Just a heads up it is habit forming. Also dosage is important. If I try to take too much it will make me feel like shit. I was concerned about liver but numbers seem pretty good. I hope kratom helps you out. It does help me.
I’ve never tried it but I had a buddy who used to take it pre-workout from time to time. He didn’t explain it very well and I really have no idea what that stuff is or its uses.
I use a good online source i like 2-3grams of white maenga da pwo on leg day. Cuts the pain makes you push harder.

I dont drink alcohol much do to past problems, so i sometimes use a green kratom instead at 6 grams. It makes me more social. Only use a couple times per week to remain sensitive to it.

Love it but dont abuse it like anything, also its very cheap. And i feel freat on it.
I don’t reccomend it’s all good until you wake up one day and need kratom to do something then your hooked

Yes its addictive once you have used it long enough just like pain killers that shit creeps up on you and there going to outlaw kratom very soon its going to be added to controlled substance3-5 im not sure but there trying to fight it because alot of veterans use it problem is it will stop working one day and you will get sick if you don’t have it
Thailand and other southeast asian countries are outlawing it cutting the supply chain as almost all kratom is from malayasia.
The AKA or american kratom association has done a good job in the USA informing senators and people that kratom is good for opiate addicts to use, and should keep it available. So the i dont think the USA will ban soon, but it will be very difficult to find in 2022 as that is when the ban will take affect.

The DEA tried to ban it in 2016 but failed, so know the FDA is pressuring southeast asian countries to ban it. I find it sad sometimes just how powerful the US government is. I am a kratom advocate because my brother was a opiate addict used anything he could get his hands on heroine, oxy, etc . He got off using kratom and changed his life around.
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squatter said:
I am a kratom advocate because my brother was a opiate addict used anything he could get his hands on heroine, oxy, etc . He got off using kratom and changed his life around.
This is great and I can completely understand it because I feel the same way about suboxone but others here believe it’s the devil. Im also a medical marijuana advocate. I don’t advocate for recreational use but some of the medical states are way behind were they should be making medicine available to patients and making it so monopolies don’t happen in the industry were only the rich can get involved.

I wish you the best in your fight to keep kratom legal and I hope that you are pushing Harm Reduction in the kratom community.
I’m not sure how Ohio is now but when I moved you could get medical card but not be able
To purchase anywhere. So basically you still has to break a law to obtain the goods
I use Kratom here and there, particularly when my shoulder is hurting from a hard workout . It absolutely does work to “dull” pain and to chill you out, at least, the red strain that I take does. 3-5g per dose. No more than a couple times a week. Haven’t found it to be so powerfully good as to be addictive. I think the fact that it makes it a ton harder to have an orgasm really reduces the attraction for me.
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I would much prefer people running around on kratom then people oding on heroin fentanyl. It’s like strong coffee compared to methamphetamine,just my opinion.

I’ve taken a couple grams a daily, on an off for years and I have never fiend for it or got dope sick, that’s just me though. It’s really Apple’s and oranges.
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