SB Labs

Week 3 of no heavy weights


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Military Vet
Killing me. Torn rotator in left shoulder. I’ve been trying to lay off any press or push movement now for going on a month. Lucky I was off cycle when it happened but losing strength and size. Pain is a little less everyday but just a mind fuck. I am going to postpone my Tren till I can get my natural strength back and no pain. I think if I start before this shoulder is fully healed I would be doing a disservice to my cycle. Fucking blows. Just fucking blows. And at my age things go down hill fast. 😂
I’ve read some really great things about TB500. I’ve never used it personally but it definitely sounds promising.
I’m trying to find more info on TB500. Any direction or input will help. Thanks. I’m just struggling to keep motivated.
This is copied and pasted from a thread I followed for quite awhile.

TB500 (aka TB4, aka Thymosin Beta)

OK, took me long enough, right? Well I have a good excuse - I had to stop taking all anti-inflammatories and all pain killers (except Tylenol) for the week before surgery. It has now been several days without them and I am in horrific pain. I am a hairs breath away from being a chronic asshole…

So now that I got that out of the way, onto my write up about the wonderful peptide TB500, which is a form of TB4. TB4 is made by the body in response to inflammation (and for other things). Since it is obvious it has to do with healing in some way, medical science has been very interested in it and creating synthetic versions of it. Since the body does a lot of things, we cannot just blindly say TB4 helps heal you, so studies were done. Lots and lots of them. Here are a few that I found to be good.

Promoting effects of thymosin β4 on granulation tissue and new bone formation after tooth extraction in rats.

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of thymosin β4 (TB4) on wound healing after tooth extraction in rats.

After extraction of the rats’ mandibular first molar teeth, a synthetic partial peptide of TB4 was injected intraperitoneally at the time of extraction and every day thereafter for 6 days. Control subjects for the treatment received identical amounts of phosphate-buffered saline solution in the same manner. Histologic analysis, apoptosis assay, and reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction were performed.

The overall data showed that TB4 treatment suppressed apoptosis and inflammation; it accelerated the process of wound healing, including new bone formation.

The findings demonstrated not only the usefulness of the TB4 partial peptide in wound healing of tooth extraction sockets, but also its potential application for bone regeneration and osteogenesis in bone and bone-related tissues.

This study shows it not only helps in healing wounds, but also helps with bone regeneration! VERY welcome news for someone who is about to have a chunk of bone removed.

Thymosin beta4 is cardioprotective after myocardial infarction.

Heart disease is a leading cause of death in newborns and in adults. We have found that the G-actin-sequestering peptide thymosin beta4 promotes myocardial and endothelial cell migration in the embryonic heart and retains this property in postnatal cardiomyocytes. Survival of embryonic and postnatal cardiomyocytes in culture was also enhanced by thymosin beta4. We found that thymosin beta4 formed a functional complex with PINCH and integrin-linked kinase (ILK), resulting in activation of the survival kinase Akt/PKB, which was necessary for thymosin beta4’s effects on cardiomyocytes. After coronary artery ligation in mice, thymosin beta4 treatment resulted in upregulation of ILK and Akt activity in the heart, enhanced early myocyte survival, and improved cardiac function. These findings suggest that thymosin beta4 promotes cardiomyocyte and endothelial migration, survival, and repair and may be a novel therapeutic target in the setting of acute myocardial damage.

TB500 is great for repairing heat damage. If you take a maintenance dose of TB500 and have a heart attack (for example) your odds of survival are increased and your recovery time is decrased.

The healing properties of thymosin-beta4 have been described in different types of tissues, such as the skin and cornea, and more recently it has been shown that thymosin-beta4 facilitates cardiac repair after infarction by promoting cell migration and myocyte survival.

It helps the eyes and the skin to heal as well.

Peptide fragment of thymosin β4 increases hippocampal neurogenesis and facilitates spatial memory.

Although several studies have suggested the neuroprotective effect of thymosin β4 (TB4), a major actin-sequestering protein, on the central nervous system, little is understood regarding the action of N-acetyl-serylaspartyl-lysyl-proline (Ac-SDKP), a peptide fragment of TB4 on brain function. Here, we examined neurogenesis-stimulative effect of Ac-SDKP. Intrahippocampal infusion of Ac-SDKP facilitated the generation of new neurons in the hippocampus. Ac-SDKP-treated mouse hippocampus showed an increase in β-catenin stability with reduction of glycogen synthase kinase-3β (GSK-3β) activity. Moreover, inhibition of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) signaling blocked Ac-SDKP-facilitated neural proliferation. Subchronic intrahippocampal infusion of Ac-SDKP also increased spatial memory. Taken together, these data demonstrate that Ac-SDKP functions as a regulator of neural proliferation and indicate that Ac-SDKP may be a therapeutic candidate for diseases characterized by neuronal loss.

As TB500 breaks down, one of the pieces it breaks into is Ac-SDKP. Ac-SDKP appears to help repair the brain.

Thymosin Beta-4 Suppresses Osteoclastic Differentiation and Inflammatory Responses in Human Periodontal Ligament Cells.

In conclusion, this study demonstrated, for the first time, that Tβ4 was down-regulated in ROS-stimulated PDLCs as well as Tβ4 activation exhibited anti-inflammatory effects and anti-osteoclastogenesis in vitro. Thus, Tβ4 activation might be a therapeutic target for inflammatory osteolytic disease, such as periodontitis.

TB500 reduces inflammation and promotes cell migration (bad cell removal, good cell replacement).

Thymosin beta-4 (Tβ4) is known to induce hair growth and hair follicle (HF) development; however, its mechanism of action is unknown.

Tβ4 appears to regulate P38/ERK/AKT signaling via its effect on VEGF expression, with a resultant effect on the speed of hair growth, the pattern of HFs and the number of hair shafts.

Makes you not only grow thicker hair faster, but will actually create NEW hair follicles…which means MORE hair.

Therapeutic Benefit of Extended Thymosin β4 Treatment Is Independent of Blood Glucose Level in Mice with Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy.

Peripheral neuropathy is a chronic complication of diabetes mellitus…Tβ4 treatment did not significantly alter blood glucose levels. Treatment with Tβ4 significantly increased intraepidermal nerve fiber density. Furthermore, Tβ4 counteracted the diabetes-induced axon diameter and myelin thickness reductions and the g-ratio increase in sciatic nerve…Our data demonstrate that extended Tβ4 treatment ameliorates diabetic-induced axonal degeneration and demyelination, which likely contribute to therapeutic effect of Tβ4 on diabetic neuropathy.

Apparently, nerve damage is something diabetics have to worry about. TB500 not only stops this from happening, but actively reverses the damage done to the sheaths around the nerves.

TB500 does not have a short half-life, so only 3 shots a week are needed, with each shot being 2mg. Each bottle is 2mg, so that makes 3 bottles a week for a total of 4 weeks, so 12 bottles total. It is recommended to take a maintenance dose of 1 or 2 shots a month of 2mg each after the blast of TB500 is done. I plan on doing that if I can afford it.
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Thanks for all the help. I have a lot of nerve damage and TBI. Not only will this help my shoulder but maybe some of my other issues I acquired over the years. I love this board. You brothers are outfuckingstanding!!
Just be sure that whoever you use gets you the right peptide and you will really get alot from it especially if you use the proper dosage
Good luck and good gains brother
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