Weight belts? What do yall use and can you post a pic?

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I just use my Walmart special but they break and tear up so i figured you pros probly have some badass belts. Where do i get one?
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I’ve had a cardillo for decades. Still holding tight…not that I really need one anymore.

I would recommend them/rogue/elite…several more quality ones out there.

@Dirtnasty bought a nice one a couple years ago

Theres mine hanging on rack
I think I paid 180 for mine as well quality and cost is on point I’m considering getting another that’s a little thicker. But no complaints about my 10mm
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Yeah they seem
To be more trouble than they are worth. The ratchets used to be known as junk now they have become the preferred ones as I think the negatives got fixed
I had a cardillo for over 12 years. I ended up giving it away because I don’t squat anymore but the kid I gave it to still uses it. Things are built to last
My friend passed away a year ago and his father gave me his golds gym belt but idk if i will use it, probably just hang it up.
I ordered the rouge faded tan one while driving so if i dont like it i can send it back
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