SB Labs

What did you eat today?

My breakfast is pretty much done. But today I’m spacing my meals out a bit more. 65 grams oat bran with Walden farms chocolate syrup. Ground flax seeds to top it off.

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Looks good bro! Im going to make an almond crusted chicken and greens for my pre gym meal. Looking forward to that but 2 hours to go lol
Yeah it gets boring otherwise. I have a few good recipes I use. Even my carbless enchilada recipe lol
I just posted a screenshot of my current streak of eating the same meals for 566 days in a row. I used to be concerned with things like taste or variety, but then I ate for what my body needs not what my hunger craves.
Which app is that? Luckily Ive never liked sugar at all. some carbs yeah. But I force myself to eat greens tho I hate it. I love healthy foods and since I like cooking as a hobby, I always look at a menu and decide how I can make that into a diet.

The almond crusted chicken I made was actually a mix of meal 2 and 3 from shelby starnes diet on shredding. Ive been wanting to make a good app that would make diets easier to figure out.
It is Myfitnesspal, the Android version.

Hehe, luckily for me, greens are empty calories so I don’t indulge in any. The remainder of my foods all fit my macros + my nutrients all come in pill form: multivitamin, fish oils, b-complex). I can only imagine how flexible and appreciative you are being able to cook - always creating different foods to satisfy your appetite.
Well thank you. Only in a fitness and bodybuilding forum would one have that reaction. For my family, they deem it cringeworthy. I just got to the point where I would rather continuously eat the same meals every single day because of the ease of knowing that it fits my macros + my total cals. Long gone are the days where I had to experiment with what worked, purchasing foods, having my stomach tolerate what I was consuming.
hahaha my ex was a food blogger as well but she was a dietician so haha wasn’t crazy foods
She cooked a lot of delicious foods, that’s for sure haha
hahaha absolutely… only in a fitness/bodybuilding forum haha i admire that consistency that you’ve been able to put together.
For the most part, i eat the same foods on a daily basis as well but my goodness… haha566 days is impressive as hell 😂
My body reached a point where it only responds very well regarding the same meals that I have given it during the duration of my streak. At times, when I attempted to have “cheat” days, my body would either have an almost-instantaneous bowel movement, would feel hyper lethargic, or my internal temperature would go to one extreme (usually insanely high). So, instead of having to deal with those reactions, I would rather have my mix of chicken, eggs, olive oil, butter, chicken mesquite, chicken tenderloins, peanuts, cottage cheese, shredded cheese, 1/2 granola bar, 1/2 protein bar, protein shake, can of tuna, and salmon.
Nothing wrong with indulging in ice cream. It is baby steps at first: if 2 pints is your usual desserts intake, maybe maximize your portion to 1 pint only. Once you feel proud of halving what you used to eat, then start working the moderation down to 1/4 of what you consume and continue the success!
Thanks! This is really challenging for me but I guess that is the truth as well with some other guys out there. Moderation is the hardest part as always. Cheers!
First dinner-

14oz 30 day dry aged bison ribeye cooked rare, pearl onions, purple carrots, shiitake mushrooms, 1.5 tablespoons of C8 MCT and herb sage brown butter.

Second dinner-

Locally caught Black Rockfish with wild radish covered in wasabi honey cream sauce and 8oz cottage cheese.
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