What is your motivation for wanting a good body?


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I’m interested to hear your responses. Everyone has a reason. Be honest though. No one is here to be judged. Only heard.

My motivation - my story
I remember when I was a kid I always wanted to be a wrestler. The fake stuff you see on TV. I was always the shortest and skinniest in my classes at school growing up. I saw all those huge guys on TV and I thought, well if I want to look like them and make it in that industry, I needed to start working out. I remember when I first started that I didn’t have a gym membership… or weights to use. Instead, I got a brick out of my Dads garden, I cleaned it off and worked out in my room with it. My workout was 2 sets of 50 push-ups, 2 sets of 50 sit-ups and 2 sets of 50 bicep curls on each arm. I worked out every night when I should have been in bed. I did this nearly every day. I’ll never forget the day (about a year after I started working out) I went to swim in a local creek with some of my friends and a group of girls. Everyone commented on how good I looked without a shirt on. It was the best feeling ever. I over heard one of my friend’s at the time bragging to a girl about how I worked out with a brick… I’m not going to lie, I liked the positive feedback. It gave me a sense of importance and value.

I was talking to my Dad about my goals of being a wrestler and I was told that most of the guys in the wrestling business were on steroids and that was how they got so big (probably not the best thing to tell your child, but it was honest and realistic so I appreciated it). I knew right there and then, at 13 years old, that I wanted to start using steroids when I turned 18… I followed through with this vision. I began researching steroids when I turned 18 and then commenced my first cycle just a couple of months before my 19th birthday.

After a couple of years I realised that I didn’t want to be a wrestler anymore. However, I continued to workout and take steroids regardless.

Several years went by when all of a sudden I found myself strickened with a serious life threatening illness. It resulted in me losing most of my gains. Initially it upset me. Ever since that day as a kid where I was complimented by all my mates and all the girls that were with us, I subconsciously felt as though the thing that made me special or superior to others (because we all like to feel like we’re superior in one way or another) was my amazing physique. I always prided myself on it. At the time, my self perceived value depended largely on my physique.

In hindsight, I have discovered that I thought very low of myself and it has made me realise that my primary motivation for wanting a good body was because I was insecure in myself. My body was like a second job. Once I lost my gains I was finally able focus on other things. I’m actually happier now than I’ve ever been and I’m the smallest I’ve ever been. I find it quite difficult to workout now because I’m no longer insecure in myself. I actually like myself for who I am and I don’t need a good body to be convinced that I have value. It is a tremendously freeing feeling.

So insecurity was always my motivation.

What’s yours?
I was always very athletic growing up I even went to college on an athletic scholarship. That being said, I always was lacking in size. I was always the smallest. Not in heart but in size. I always would picture myself a lot bigger than what I was. After getting back into the gym and doing my research I took the next step and started my journey…💪
I was a chubby kid my mom would always reward me with food, then around 14 years old i started noticing i didnt like how i looked so i started running and starving myself all day until dinner time. Well i lost a lot of weight and fat but tons of muscle as well. I played hockey and baseball i was very good at both anyways when i got to senior year in high school i didnt like how skinny i was anymore i wanted to be jacked so i started lifting and gained 25lbs in first few months. I started reading about workouts and eating correctly and steroids. That was 20 years ago and 100lbs later im now usually the biggest dude anywhere i go and everyone stares at me constantly i cant lie i fkn love being huge and strong its def part of who i am as a person and besides being a dad my favorite part of my life is killing it in the gym! Ive seen it all and done even more if it wasnt for bodybuilding id be a disaster. It has grounded me, taught me inner strength and focus, discipline, mental fortitude and toughness, and most of all im a good role model for my lil boy! He looks up to me like im the Hulk or Superman! He wants to come workout with me already at almost 7 lol i told him 12 years old we will be workout buddies and honestly i cant wait to share something i love so much with someone i love even more :metal:t2:
Itll be so amazing to spend that time with my son and help him through those tough developmental years build confidence in himself. Im very much looking forward to it brother
When I was a younger man, I wanted to be big, since I was a pretty small dude. As I got older worked out a lot then I found AAS. I got pretty big, 240(ish). Then didn’t like the way I felt at that weight, so I backed off the gym and started running more. I’m now at a nice comfortable 220, but I think my ideal weight is 205/210. Just gotta stop sabotaging my diet on the weekends, lol.
I was always the small kid growing up. Never had the ability to gain anything other than a nasty mouth that I was quick to fire off wtih. Growing up going threw college I was still the skinny kid who everybody always just said I had great metabolism. Non of that was ever want I wanted to here. Still going into my early some where between
my late 20 and early 30 I think I have a picture of me holding my daughter I and Iooked like I might have been about 125#… I looked dead. I still to this day look at that picture and have strived so hard to never be back to a skinny littel twig. as I spent my whole life always being that skinny guy I never wanted it. I always wanted to be the bigger guy, the better guy, the guy who peole walk past and say damn I wonder how long it took him to get to that size… how hard did he work for that!!!
josh said:
I still to this day look at that picture and have strived so hard to never be back to a skinny littel twig.
I have a pic like this. I feel the same way. I have a line (a specific weight) that if I cross it, it’s unacceptable for me.
Looks like original motivations may vary, but we all start somewhere. Mine was just so that when I had my clothes kicked in the corner next to hers, she wasn’t gagging at my fat ass, but googling at my solid bod. Then it morphed into something else. I like working out, period. Love the rush it gives, the mental state, everything about it. But if it weren’t for all the girls I was interested at the beginning, yeah, I probably wouldn’t be where I am today.
I think my motivation is probably my wife. She has always been gorgeous and had a naturally fit appearance and physique. Sure, she works out and eats well but even when she isn’t, she still just has a fit body. I’m not gonna be that fat beer bellied turd walking around with this smoking hot wife and having people think she’s a gold digger lmao. So I try to look the best I can for her. I’m also probably a little vane and the few years that I “let myself go” I was absolutely disgusted with how I looked. So I guess it’s 2 fold.