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What pre-workouts and what music we listen to while lifting

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I think Godzilla piss is my fav. Also like 50 mg dbol from time to time. OJ, banana, snickers.

I’ve been listening to some oldies lately. And caught myself enjoying some old Bigge Smalls. Havent heard that in a while. Ozzy, Metallica, 80s and 90s metal is usual.
Kratom gells me out, relaxes me, and acts as a mild anti-inflammatory. It would not work for me as a PWO. At least the red maeng da stuff.
Haha thanks bud. Everyone else thinks I’m weird. They always walk-in and say what are you in the dark with no music? I say I’m just different. Lol
There’s a great routine by Bill Cosby (ugh) talking about the first time he met Ray Charles. He said he knocked on the door to his hotel room, and Ray told him to come in. It was pitch black dark. Cosby said, “Ray, what are you doing?” He said “Shaving”. Cosby then says, “Ray, why in the world”–a part of his mind says, no! don’t say it, but he says it anyway–“are you shaving in the dark?!”
I’m fine no music I can’t put on head phones or ear buds takes me out of the lifts. Now cardio I damn near need them. But I want to be mindless in cardio
Not weird. I listen to cello music when I train. Only Bc if I don’t have headphones in people try to talk to me the whole time. I want to train like a fucking savage Bc I choose to, not Bc music hyped me to do it. I’m fucking weird too.
Where did you get the unfuckablewith tshirt neuro,I happen to have the same one…
All I can say is… it’s a great shirt. Everyone just kinda parts the sea when I walk through in that one.
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