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What pre-workouts and what music we listen to while lifting

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I’m boring when I work out. I listen to talk radio but that shit Amps me up when they talk about all the craziness going on in this country. That’s fuel enough for me to get me fired up! S far as PWO’s was using SRX hulk juice for awhile but phased it out towards the end while leaning out
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Got to say I was loving king sauce. I think it’s the inject Abomb’s in it. Will know soon as I have some of that alone showing soon
Well I’ll
Let you know as I plan on it in a few weeks Since ing
Cut tren run short just wanted to clear system g
Do vacation come back get back into swing then start mininmm4 weeks cycle
I was looking forward to it more before I had bloods with elevated liver enzymes. But it’s inject so I think shouldnt be as rough as tren and dd mixed.
I’ve been trying a lot of preworkout stuff over the last year or so and found my best combo is stim-free NO booster powder with some Kratom. I got the Kratom tip off SteroidsPodcast. It’s like a natural pain killer and mood enhancer, works excellent during the ritual. As far as music goes I’m a hardcore/punk guy. Madball and Body Count really get me where I need to be to push through and get that skin splitter pump.
Biohazard and Onyx actually did a whole album together, called it Bio Onyx. It’s not bad. Body Count knocks harder if you’re looking for aggressive hip hop influenced hardcore
I have stores dedicated to the stuff around my area that’s all they sell and cbd and there booming its going to get banned eventually and then I feel really bad for everyone using it and getting good results they only didn’t ban it because veterans stood up and said it helps them the ban was tossed right then
But with the bad usage could eventually cause problems I’ve got a bag ive never even opened because I didn’t know at the time its like an opiate so I can’t use it because of my past
Smoke snort eat? What does it look like.

Dumb questions i know.

I live in a military town/area and a store was selling something edgy like bath salts or even glass pipes … the military would have a hard ban on that store for ALL military personnel. You can imagine the cash these guys spend. The convenience stores around here just don’t carry for too long.
All 3 mostly teas and capsules it comes in straight powder usually green in color its chopped up roots from a breed of trees in Asia
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They now order online huge companies started by ex bbers are out there alot of old school bbers are using kratom in mass.
One of the guys from the docu Iron gen is the owner of the octopus looking one I think kraken
I use it sometimes,not daily though,gives me good energy,through the day.But it’s not that hardcore boost that A real PWO would give me, so while I use it before work in the mornings,don’t bother with it before the gym.It comes in powder,caps,and liquid concentrate,and its fuckin disgusting so I use the capsules.Not expensive either,20 bucks worth will last me a month.It does nothing for me pain wise, helps my mood n energy.
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