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SB Labs

What Success Really Looks Like


Staff member
Military Vet
A little motivation and truth for Sunday morning.

This is not all inclusive, there are some that have a lucky streak a mile wide. But the graphic represents most of us and our struggles with day to day life, training, careers… really anything and everything.

My personal mindset is NEVER give up, no matter what…NEVER give up… if it’s a goal or something you want to achieve… if I want it bad enough…I will NOT give up.

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Poppy said:
My personal mindset is NEVER give up, no matter what…NEVER give up… if it’s a goal or something you want to achieve… if I want it bad enough…I will NOT give up.
Sounds like Winston Churchill another great man and yes success comes with more problems than success so you just gotta ride that crazy roller coaster of circles towards success.

I can even give another example a stock can’t go straight up it needs healthy corrections were it will xrop and regain higher. If a stock goes straight to success it mostlikly will crash and fall off completely after the bubble burts.

Great post to start a blessed Sunday
I will say to you my friend, in light of your current life situation…stay focused.
Seen that graph before and love it. Progress is rarely linear. Lots of ups and downs and bumps in the road.

My personal favorite quote is…

“To live is to suffer. The survive is to find meaning in the suffering” - Frederich Nietzsche

It reminds me that we shouldn’t strive for an easy life but instead strive to be strong enough to overcome any and all obstacles.
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