SB Labs

What’s everyone doing?

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I wanted to show off my beautiful lawn to the guy, I mowed and trimmer it yesterday to wake up to this again lol.

I’m looking at the bright side, free leveling sand.


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Yeah, a storm from the gulf swung in last night it only rained for like an hour, but it was heavy. This time around the builder came out with a surveyor not even an hour ago, so I hope they are looking into a long term solution.
So that was my attitude, until I learned the person managing the HOA and existing development modifications left around the time we started having issues, and they just hired a new guy to get things sorted out. Right now there is a large backlog they are trying to manage.

I did a favor for the secretaries son, help him find a job, and she called me after she realized a number of emails I previously sent to the old manager didn’t get forwarded to anyone to follow up.

Its starting to look like they are trying to make things right. We will see what they have planned.
Here in eastern nc… thats a hefty fine. Those builders are completely obligated to mitigate what you got goin on there. Big no no here
Ya. I got stuck with a very short closing time and realtors playing games when I try to get closing date postponed a month. And landlord is friend so I don’t wanna screw him. I was suppose to buy this house but no money left after Covid layoff. So with a short time options are limited. Oh well when it rains it pours.
Hone tonight then on a 38 hour shift Wednesday night till Friday morning
just hanging in there thanks for asking. Got a new job food manufacturing. Ive kept a lot of my gains last cycle. Since the new job all I have to do is coordinate time money and sponsor… I’ll be back at it… Hows your coming along bro…
Sorry to hear about the elevation but congratulations on the pending BF process. They definitely sucks when you have it all planned out and either time money or your body doesn’t cooperate with you …just messes up the whole game plan.
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