When did you lose your virginity?


Staff member
Just a curious question. How old were you when you first pinned? And what was it?

16yrs old. Test and deca cycle. Way too young but nearly 25 years ago. I would have waited to my 20s knowing what I know now.
Started with PHs then it was test only and I think I was like 25?? I don’t even remember. And holy fuck 16?!? How’d you hide that shit from your parents???
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I hid it behind the electrical outlet lol. My best friend worked in a pharmacy and we made fake scripts lol. Thank you walgreens. Later I just drove to Mexico.
Winstrol alone, shot 1 amp a week for a month before a show; had no idea what i was doing and very scared. i was 23
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I dont think that did anything for me at all…yes i diet very hard, won the lightweght division, that was back in my country…biggest bbuilding show at the time been
20yrs old - Deca only cycle pinning ED! Man was I lost… but i got huge. I am just thankful I didn’t kill myself. Carried the preloaded syringes over the Mexican border regularly back then. 😉

Things have come a long way in my 30+ years since first pin!
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I’m never ceased to be amazed at the work you older gentlemen put in to finding and getting things back then. It’s great!
High mg for bein a first ever but like you said you got huge, so the addiction began I would imagine
Deca only? Damn thank God you were young otherwise you would of had a useless male appendage. If i dont dose test correctly with deca my libido goes down down down :-1:t2: