SB Labs

Who Else got it in today?!

I’m actually gunna switch back to just the one rest day starting next week. Gotta make the most of this Blast. Week 3 figure the props should be starting to kick in. Go time!
well i train everyday pretty much. if its not an hr cardio ots a body part…weekends are two workouts a day…did hr cario earlier about to have a meal in a hrs or so…then weights and cardio… seeing that lil clip just motivated me to start something on legs…i know i cant get ginormous legs like that but i can try and get those seperations and toning would me nice…so i will be doing some leg extentions for starters and then i will be doing chest tonight with another 30 mins of cardio…during the week i basically switch…everey other day cardio for an hrs and every other day weight…rest days are random…i may take a double rest day every two weeks…and then on the wrekkend i pretty much get two sessions in. but wicked legs there man @UNITED
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Hey brother, thanks for the post and sharing your routine. Looks like you’re just starting out training your legs? If so you can post in the UGM traning & diet section asking for some leg routines, im sure many members and myself would love to share their favorites that you can use to help customize your own. - UNITED