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WTF the vaccine isn't really a vaccine?

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I new that the vaccine from the states didn’t stop you from getting others sick. I new that the UK vaccine did protect others from getting sick because of you.
Guess how long the vaccine lasts? 12 months

They don’t tell you that part this just came out that it looks like were all going to need yearly booster shots like a flu shot every year.
This is how they designed the vaccine!!!
This is bullshit im pissed I thought all this was going to end and now there are variants just like the flu mutates every year covid is going to do the same thing possibly quicker and more dangerous.

I don’t post this to scare anyone they have a shot that will help you not get sick but they don’t guarantee the vaccine is 100% and they said it can wear off in 5 months depending.

Im going to wait over a year and still not get a real vaccine.
They should not be allowed to use the word vaccine if its just a flu shot.

THIS IS BIG PHARMA making us get a shot every year wtf they never made an actual vaccine!! Just something to make us come back every year and god only knows what the cost will be every year and if you don’t get it then you can’t do anything there going to block you from travel, concerts and so on im about done with pharma companies playing with our health and minds with this type of bullshit.

@NeuroRN or any other med guys know anything else about this?
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There’s already grumblings about federal employees being mandated to get it as a condition of employment. Not there yet but I’ve heard they’re considering it.
I heard that this was actually going to move forward because they want everyone to get the shot they don’t want people to skip and just move on
Yeah o remember seeing it was like a six month vaccine just a way. Go get all that monies I say then again I guess it’s very similar to the flu vaccine in that manner
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I appreciate it but I believe that its going to be mandated to come back to work with most companies. Private or state or gov
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Our company has come out and said they wouldn’t and we are partners with one
Of the vaccine companies
It’s some bullshit. And yes it’s big Parma. They saw how the biggest insurance companies survived Obama care and the mandates to buy insurance made them billions on our dime. It’s the same thing. Gonna be forced to take this and Parma gonna make billions. And if government gonna pay for it then it’s gonna be way overpriced. Another $20,000 broom.
A government contractor eh!! Don’t know what kinda work you do but any chance you can get some contracts up here. I have three great guys hungry for work fully insured and ready to go. Or even any projects down there if it’s lucrative enough to travel??
I knew this was the case. They say “trust the science” yet forget everything they know about viruses. Case in point. The flu. It’s still hanging in there. 100s of years and the thing will mutate and change depending on the INDIVIDUALS chemical make up. All the medical science has literally been thrown out the door with this virus. Acting like this shot will cure the world. No. It won’t. Will I get one? Probably not. I’ve had the Covid and I’ve had worse flu symptoms. Like the flu shot, If you are unhealthy or have medical conditions, you should get the flu shot to help lessen the severity of the flu. That’s all a vaccine will do. Lessen the symptoms. 😒
My job isn’t like that. You’re talking about construction.
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Dude trained me right before he left with covid no body aid hey you were in contact with a sick person. Only knew boss had it cause he called lead to tell everybody
Yeah I’ve kept my mouth shut at work bc the ridicule amongst helathcare workers that won’t take the “vaccine” is strong. When the science really just isn’t there. I don’t take the flu shot Either. Neither one are actually vaccines by the true standards.

This whole things has a been a money and power grab fest. Yeah it’s killing people. Yes it’s fucked up our healthcare workers forever. Most will suffer lifelong ptsd from the shit we had to with dying patients.

Most will walk away from healthcare forever.

But that doesn’t mean we get to call this a vaccine and ignorantly act like it’s going to stop Covid. It won’t. It’s never going away. It’s going to be like the flu. It will be back every year and the next one will be different than the first one.
Correct me @NeuroRN if I’m mistaken but to this day the survivability rate of covid is very high like 99. Something %
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