3 loggers needed ASAP for BULK SEASON! @ PSL.. Do you wanna log and run some gearz? Lets talk

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Thunder said:
knock 20 years off
That’s what I tell the kids at work…

Kid: Mr poppy how are you today?

Me: great! The only thing that would make me better is giving me 20-30 years back.
I’ll be honest I don’t want to be heavier than I am now. Health wise I’m looking to just gain muscle and get leaner. And yea locally the records are lower at shw but nationally I’d be better at 308
Jump on it brother. Go ahead a nd inquire… you can always say no if it’s not to your liking. You’re by far one of our most regular vips so that’s not an issue.
Thinking about this a bit more… I believe I’m a bit more excited to see where BBing takes you. You’ve got the frame to carry a considerable amount of muscle. You’ve got the work ethic… strength is already there…
To be honest with you, I do have three different individual cycles, below I will include them this is what I wrote up prior, however the cycles can be twisted, edited and tweaked any which way but here is what I personally came up with, because these are some of the most popular cycles that are used by some very high level guys, that actually have their training and especially their diet dial in.
For those that apply, they can pick any cycle they want of the three that I have originally made up, what’s most important is a have to have their diet squared away because these cycles are absolute monsters. And the results are phenomenal. But they respond best with adequate and sufficient nutrients, this goes for all compounds because they are simply tools. But the cycles below really need to be fed like legit nutrients…

Just example cycles below - you can pick one, or we can tailor one to your liking… [image]
Cycle length clearly will vary as well…
  1. Test prop (low dose 50mg EOD) with MENT at 75 EOD and drol (roughly 6-8 weeks)
  2. high test ONLY cycle with bloods… TestE 250 4 x a week )1000mg… just high test cycle ONLY, this will make a great conversation topic about health, pros/cons with high test and so on, plus it will prove that all you need is test even for a VET.
  3. Test iso with test PhenyProp 100 mg each EOD with bulk stack blend dbol/drol and SARM mk-677 for HGH mimic. nice quick mass stack
  4. mini blasting cycle… 3 weeks on, 2-3 weeks off, 3 weeks on, 2-3 weeks off…
    Test prop 100mgs EOD with MT1 orals 2,3 or 4 tabs daily for 3 weeks, than off for 2-3 weeks, let rec recovery, repeat Test prop 100mgs EOD with MT1 orals 2,3 or 4 tabs daily for 2-3 weeks… During off weeks they can use Primo Ace at 100mgs EOD for 2-3 weeks… then stop and repeat - Test prop 100mgs EOD with MT1 orals 2,3 or 4 tabs daily for 3 weeks, than off for 2-3 weeks and use primo ace again…
You bring up a fair point, however the only reason I mentioned this is due to the fact that clearly and obviously we all know that some sources have gotten burned over the years, although it is rare, it has happened on occasions. Some sources step up who were absolutely great shops and they give away some great opportunities with some cycles, and some people do not follow through.

However, I will take into great consideration your words of recommendation and the fact that you support some of these members you speak of because you see their interactions within the community and their fellow peers.

With that being said, now it’s not asking for much, but could you guys meet me down the middle and help me vet some members?

An example, if there’s someone that has 125 posts however, they have contributed to this community, with no drama and nothing but good vibes, and you guys say "hey vision, this guy’s good to go he proved himself.

I’ll take your word…
This is all we ask for, is someone does not have a high enough post count, we can work with that, maybe if we allow the community to do the vetting.
Many sources have gotten burned in the past.
It shit happens, and life gets in the way, all we ask is someone to be honest and don’t just disappear and go MIA…
Just chime in and say, guys I’m hitting a rough patch bear with me, work is doing this or that, having issues with the wife or my partner, The fact of the matter is life happens. Is someone volunteers, and something comes up halfway through, we can take a break.
Just don’t be afraid or scared that you’ll be letting people down. People understand that life happens.
We just don’t want people bailing on us like you said above, just hold up their end of the deal…
Gentleman here is the cycles that I have lined up…

Just example cycles below - you can pick one, or we can tailor one to your liking…
Cycle length clearly will vary as well…
  1. Test prop (low dose 50mg EOD) with MENT at 75 EOD and drol (roughly 6-8 weeks)
  2. high test ONLY cycle with bloods… TestE 250 4 x a week )1000mg… just high test cycle ONLY, this will make a great conversation topic about health, pros/cons with high test and so on, plus it will prove that all you need is test even for a VET.
  3. Test iso with test PhenyProp 100 mg each EOD with bulk stack blend dbol/drol and SARM mk-677 for HGH mimic. nice quick mass stack
  4. mini blasting cycle… 3 weeks on, 2-3 weeks off, 3 weeks on, 2-3 weeks off…
    Test prop 100mgs EOD with MT1 orals 2,3 or 4 tabs daily for 3 weeks, than off for 2-3 weeks, let rec recovery, repeat Test prop 100mgs EOD with MT1 orals 2,3 or 4 tabs daily for 2-3 weeks… During off weeks they can use Primo Ace at 100mgs EOD for 2-3 weeks… then stop and repeat - Test prop 100mgs EOD with MT1 orals 2,3 or 4 tabs daily for 3 weeks, than off for 2-3 weeks and use primo ace again…
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