You bring up a fair point, however the only reason I mentioned this is due to the fact that clearly and obviously we all know that some sources have gotten burned over the years, although it is rare, it has happened on occasions. Some sources step up who were absolutely great shops and they give away some great opportunities with some cycles, and some people do not follow through.
However, I will take into great consideration your words of recommendation and the fact that you support some of these members you speak of because you see their interactions within the community and their fellow peers.
With that being said, now it’s not asking for much, but could you guys meet me down the middle and help me vet some members?
An example, if there’s someone that has 125 posts however, they have contributed to this community, with no drama and nothing but good vibes, and you guys say "hey vision, this guy’s good to go he proved himself.
I’ll take your word…