This is very much appreciated, and thank you very much.
Shaking hands and agreeing to meet me down the middle is perfect and works for everybody.
My apologies with the typos in my previous post, it was super late and I did not have my glasses on.
Moving forward gentlemen, we will be flexible with the requirements like stated above that was highly suggested by the communities trusted staff Mr.“John” (community moderator).
I believe I see a hand that’s raised here saying that they game…
@Cluster we are not looking for any mass monsters or people that are specifically genetically blessed, that is extremely rare.
Hard gainer or not, you could be 150 lb for all we care, but if you’re worth ethics, you’re grind, your time and most of all you’re discipline is on point that’s all that we care about. Logs aren’t easy, they can be difficult and sometime redundant, sometimes they can be uncomfortable for people too.
Let’s all work together, so that we can manufacture real legit content that is not only entertaining but also educational. I’m not looking for fireworks or the best peacock feather display, work ethics will far outperform that any day. I see 160-pounders out shine 240-pounders. Discipline, dedication and commitment.
If you are serious about your inquiry, let’s roll.
Not only will you have my entire team behind you, helping and assisting where we can, you’ll have your entire community of fellow peers cheering for you the entire ride.
@John has cluster been vetted? Your thoughts…