SB Labs

92% of left-wing activists live with their parents, Berlin study finds

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So this guy here was a Dallas business owner. He was pulled out of his store by fucking animals and beaten. Died today. These must be the white supremacists or the Trump supporters the media keeps saying is causing the rioting. They sure don’t seem like Conservatives to me.


  • 5iLkCboPh228P-10.mp4
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There’s another one of a 50 something year old white lady trying to tell people not to loot her store. A group of 20 something black thugs grabs her and starts beating the shit out of her. Soon as I find the video I’ll share that one. But MSM says its Trumps fault…
Good thing about Texas is that it seems like you could actually use lethal force in a situation like that and not get thrown in prison for life. All these liberal states are trying to dismantle the 2nd Amendment. I’m not really sure what situation they feel it’s appropriate to use a firearm. they want us to wait until just before we’re legally dead, then fire away. But not too many rounds because then you’ll be doing time for sure.

Ben Shapiro had a pretty interesting viewpoint on this. The liberals hate the citizens having guns but love to use the government to compel their horrible agenda with the threat of force.
Never stick around is right, you’ll be the one in handcuffs, I don’t care if I didn’t have a weapon on me, I would have relished in unleashing some hurt on those fucks.
I’d like to know where all the deer hunters are, take that 30-06 out for some target practice.
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But they have some easy target practice. I’m talking sniping out those bastards not looting you goof.

I’ve never looted anything in my life except for maybe some fishing lures when I was young.
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Here’s a pic of an ugly ass chicken then.
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