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92% of left-wing activists live with their parents, Berlin study finds

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Like CNN or other mainstream news is a trustworthy source?


This makes a lot of sense, even if it is from a questionable source. Liberals today are by far the biggest political problem. Their are times the right has gone too far as well, for example the War On Drugs. But now the left needs to be reigned in HARD.

The ridiculous viewpoints coming from the left these days are insane. If you’re a moderate liberal, you’re in the minority, because these days the majority of leftists honestly believe it’s racist to have borders for example. Liberals used to be some of the best defenders of Free Speech, now they are successfully passing laws to hinder people from speaking their minds.

America has lost its way. We used to be a bastion of freedom, but that has changed. It’s extremely unfortunate. I don’t understand where this attitude of “You owe me X” came from. Whether it’s healthcare, education, or citizenship, all the liberals think that they not only deserve these things, but that it should be the law. We basically started a revolution over a single digit percentage tax on tea, now people think they deserve free college and state of the art healthcare procedures and think it should be illegal for anyone to tell them no. And they believe people other than them ought to be paying for it haha.

Manifest destiny. Does that mean nothing to these people? Every American has the chance to go from poverty to the 1%, yet people want to argue systemic oppression, and this group of people may not have an equal start because of X reasons. Don’t you people realize that trying to create equality of outcomes is literally the opposite of freedom?

America was supposed to be the the antithesis of this type of behavior.
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I’ve told my friends and family I have a friend in close proximity of this! Our thoughts are with you brother, I truly hate this for you! If there’s anything you guys need reach out to me! Also on a lighter note, put a sign in your yard with your picture on it with the caption “ I beat Corona with chest days bitch!!!”
I like that. 😂. My wife’s working in the city, south side and I worry about her commute. I gave her some guidelines to follow. Overpasses. Stay in the lane opposite of stopped cars that are on the overpass. Do not allow to be boxed in. Do not stop to help or if people on the road push through. Do not stop. Call 911 if someone is in trouble do not stop to assist or help. While she’s a tough cookie, life is very different with a weapon pointed at you by someone who doesn’t value your life or theirs. Worst ones are those who have no value on life. And most important even at work, scan and gauge your threats. Not hard to do. You can tell the sheep from the the wolves pretty easy…
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Nice ass, I mean sidearm. Its pretty sad nowadays when you have to think twice about helping someone on the side of the road, even when there aren’t riots.
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You made me smile, with your words, more so then the pic.
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I always scan and gauge people when I’m out, always know where the exits are, and prefer to keep my back to the wall and have everything in front of me. Always running through scenarios in my noodle.
I thought it was something everyone did.
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Dallas store owner pulled from his store and beaten died today.

Peaceful protestors help a man in a wheelchair in Portland.

Peaceful protestors let a guy wearing a Trump shirt walk by.


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You did the right thing for sure especially since she is heading that way. I just saw on the news that a group of young men basically teenagers beat up a older white woman. Right now you should be prepared.
I have seen the video of the mother who actually did that she snatched her boy up and just kept hitting him all the way to the car. It was hilarious she was screaming I taught you better and beating his ass lol poor kid lol
It’s sad. I told her if she doesn’t feel safe stay home. No job is worth it. If she’s scared to go to her car call me. I’ll be there in 15 min. West side and south side kids work there. They could give 2 fucks about that job. Most of them are only working because it’s a court mandate thing. My wife is more tolerant than me. There’s a few good kids in that group, but I would not trust anyone in that building.
Brings back memories don’t it. Too fucking bad I’m talking about the US of A and not some shit hole overseas…
Doesn’t sound like a great place lol
She will be fine though if someone makes the mistake of thinking that she is an easy target it will be the worst mistake that they will ever make for sure.
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Nope. It’s not. You can tell by the demeanor of people. A few have the knowledge. But most are oblivious to what’s around them…
My brother in law just sent me a text. They are bringing in “protesters” by the high school in busses. WTF is going on?!? I told him call me. He’s a Marine. So you know he’s ready. 😁. This shit is getting nuts. And it’s 95 degrees today. That’s gonna make things awesome in the city…
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