Adonis here, I have no fear

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I do have a topic. Legs. At 6’3" it’s always been a struggle to get them to grow. I’d be curious to see if there’s anyone else with my height that has had the same problem and what they did differently. Mine are strong and decently built, I just want them a little bigger. I can start this thread elsewhere if you’d like. Let me know

I even shoot my quads more than glutes or delts.

Also, I’ve tried so many different things over the years. Maybe I’m missing something.
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I’m 6’1 and felt like I was struggling to make mine grow. I dropped down the heavy weight. Went full range of motion, and tempo control on every single leg workout. 2/3 down:1 pause: 1 up, and i finally feel like my legs are decent sized.
6’4” here. My legs were always hard to grow. So I changed my workout. Intense training every 3 weeks. The rest is volume training. I use to have decent legs. Good size and density. But now. Not so much. Need a knee reconstruction and holding off till November. My age is close to replacement so trying to determine which to do. 😒. But I hit legs every 4 days. Worked for me.
I’ve never thought about it but can you squat again (anything substantial) after knee replacement like those with hip replacements.

Those i know with knee replacements don’t train.
I cut it to less on some exercises. The weight didn’t matter as much as full ROM and tempo control. Then started building back up once I felt strong in the entire range of motion. Ass to grass, full stretch on every thing.
Lord ass to grass makes my knees hurt thinking about it. Can’t do that anymore. I’m doing the typical 90degree rule. How old are you?
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Ahh early 30s. Take care of yourself youngster. I’m 50 and thankfully I haven’t broken my body down with heavy, heavy weights and don’t need nor have had any major surgeries. I’ll lighten up the weight and try the full rom…slowly lol.
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