SB Labs

Any and all advice would be great in helping to achieve my goals

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New member
Hey Guys!
I’m an average gym rat and have always wanted to achieve the lean look and have never been able to do so. I know diet plays a big part in that as well but nothing has never seemed to work. I’ve been reading about Anavar and It seems this might be able to help in what I’m trying to achieve but I’m new to the roid world. Would this be a possibility for me?
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Welcome aboard. What are your stats? Height, body weight, body fat percentage. What are your macros each day? Calories, carbohydrates, protein, and fat. What’s your routine in the gym? Everything plays a factor.
Hello. Tons to read about on here. Go to the search bar and type in your questions. We do not provide source for supplements but we have people that have knowledge. The forum is built for questions, concerns and advice, the rest of it is on you to find out. 😂. There are sponsors on here that can give advice and also help with goals. Search for sponsors and read up. Welcome aboard and good luck.
BTW. Can you tell us a bit more about yourself ? Wt Ht age time experience and or any supplements used before?


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Get diet in check and then you’ll find anything you use will be much better utilized.
Welcome to ugmuscle brother glad to have you around I made this post your introduction post.
Hope to see you in the forums.

To comment on your question the first thing I would recommend is a bloodwork test to see where your natural testosterone levels are and you might be able to get on trt.
I wouldn’t start off using anavar you will get less out of it than its worth.
If your bloodwork shows low t you can get testosterone from your doctor if its not low than you can look into and research a testosterone first cycle with AI and pct.
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