Apology to the board

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Just now seeing this. Took clarity, candor, and courage to post this and make these admissions. We have your back, big guy. And you are right: You deserve better than the way you are treating yourself. When you finally internalize that thought, you will stop. Hang in there.
Youve kept your since of humor @Dirtnasty
Just keep that head up baby!! You got this man… Youve got plenty of spots here too dawg…ride that shit out and dont let the weight fall on your chest:muscle:💪💪

(Yes i just used a working-out analogy on staying clean…😏💪)
Yeah I’m not worried now but I’m working a bunch of ot and then have shit down next kin th for 2 weeks. That’s where I worry all the money and time to play. I’ll make it through but I’ll just have poppy watching my log to make sure I’m updateing on lift days.
Me personally i Xbox it up… Fuckin youtube it… Listen to crazy ass stories from MRBALLEN or watching MARK WEINS… His best food reviews are the foreign ones out in BFE… I don’t like the ones that he’s doing now in the states… They are just restaurants compared to the backwoods type shyt… Or i look up bodybuilding tips… In your case it would be strong man shit… Or a bunch of good dieting tips to look up as well…
You’ll find something im sure… Either that or you can knit a sweater… 🤷
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I’ll just lift eat sleep repeat. I’m not apposed to still drinking and what not but I’m going to do three months at least fully sober minus shroom trip for depression I got lined up probably set up workouts with pro that week cause people won’t be using there training time and maybe see if she’ll let me get extra workout
Fuck ya bro handle that. Thats about what i do plus 2 to 3 healthy shits a day… I do feel where your coming from…sometimes routine gets boring and you got to spice it up from the boredom which leads to depression…just find a different spice dawg…
By being awake posting at all times jk. But I think activity was big part. I was actually sober for most part during the period they used. I worked almost everyday so I lots of time to be on phone during breaks and shits. Which I take a lot of shits
I’ve had 5 today. And I can’t stop eating last ment shot today. So maybe hunger will subside some after this and return to normal
Not sure if right move or not but I had to do it. I just wrote message to ex letting her know how I was using during our relationship and the reason we
Didn’t work was I wasn’t ready to be loved. It’s not trying to get back with her but I felt she should know it didn’t matter how hard she tried i was goig to make it fail.
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