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Arms fall asleep when lying down

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I am not great just blessed with great mentors. Fast twitch are primary muscles. Slow twitch are secondary or stabilizer muscles. In order to activate those you have to get your primary muscle to fail. So with curls I sit keeping my back against a chair so my waist doesn’t move. I normally finish my curl sets with 60 pound dumbbells. So with slow twitch I take 25 pounders and do hammer curls both arms same time to 15 the both arms same time to 15 with a twist. Then pick up 20 pounders and do alternating arm hammer curls to 20 and alternating twist curls to 20. If you use to heavy of weights then it is too heavy for your slow twitch muscles to lift. So when primary fails then the weight has to be light enough for secondary to kick in and help. It is very painful and requires a lot of will power.
So basically it’s like a burnout drop set I will run the rack of dumbbells sometimes starting low I do sets of 3-6 and go up on weight till I can’t go anymore alternating hammer and and hammers with twist at top then I go back down same way except burnout each weight as many as I can
use the hammers on bis but when I don’t twist I feel more in the forearms, I enjoy hammers
Got to make sure your back doesn’t move at all. Try it with just two light weights. Basically one set is like seventy reps
I agree with you 100% that’s why I alternate but also there is a way to do it to feel it in your biceps in some of the John meadows videos I watched him and mimicked his form they way he slightly leans to the side he is curling and he likes to raise his elbows slightly at the top of the rep and you can get that feeling in your biceps as well don’t ask me the science but I know it works I can feel it
It takes two people but try this get a straight bar or curl bar and load whatever weight you think you can do for 10 reps do your 10 then pass it to other person then swap back do 9 give to them then swap back do 8. Go all the way down to 1 rep. Do not drop weight keep weight the same by the time you get done your biceps should be on fire
When I use to go to gym with
my buddy we did those it was his idea he loved em and it was a quick pump and burn doin them I haven’t in awhile though
Sweet let me know it took me a minute to get it and it looked and felt awkward but when I felt it right in my biceps instead of my upper forearm is was like that’s the money shot ! Been watching some of his videos again I started using his arm And shoulder workout two weeks ago and I felt weird the first week didn’t feel like I made any progress last week I got sore as shit from it doing it again Today I am taking progress pics so I can see it he is a pretty smart fella
That’s they only drag with doing it is you need a partner and I have been solo here lately my buddies that compete in bodybuilding want me to come workout with them again but I’m in nowhere near the shape I need to be to keep up with those beasts not to mention cycle wise either one of them is finishing a frame off restoration of his 2005 dodge mega cab and he wants to do a show I told him I would help him get ready which also means I will have to bust my ass as well it’s goooood motivation and great workouts
Yeah but overall I like flying solo if possible. And yes it sounds like your gonna be a busy man soon, keep gettin it in buddy.
I do better alone for the most too but it’s hard to push yourself truly to the brink without a spotter but you can’t just grab some random person at gym that s how you get hurt
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