SB Labs

Arms fall asleep when lying down

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I always say I love you, but I’m not touchy feely like, so I tell her you need to remind me for hugs, which she shouldn’t have to do I know, but to me I don’t like ANYONE in my personal space for to long, it’s a problem of mine that’s probably never gonna change.
That’s just how you are so why the fuck did you ask me if I wanted a hug lmao 😂. True love isn’t touchy feely anyways. It is in our actions. Why we work. Why we always choose them first. Why we eat dinner they make even if it sucks. Why we but them in the best fishing spot and the best hunting stand. It’s why we don’t shoot at a deer because we want to save it for them.
I enjoy mouth hugs from my wife… Yep. I still get them…😂.
Couple jokes
You know what stops Blow Jobs?
Wedding cake.
Why is a bride smiling when she walks down the aisle?
She knows she never has to give a BJ again…
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Once and a while I will make a bet with my wife and if I am right I always choose a blow job as my reward. And I always collect.
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Been awhile since I’ve been with a giver in that dept. which is fine as long as I get penetration. I usually after a minute of being blown just want to get to drilling anyways
Ha ha yes all true buddy about what you said, I remind my wife sometimes, what it all boils down to is, I love her and our daughter, and I will die/kill to keep the 3 of us together.
Your the one putting in the work boss I’m glad things are going so well it’s lifestyle changes that make a difference and that started with you making a decision to change I’m glad you can get your family involved I wish I could get my wife to work out with me again but she says I am a nazi when it comes to my work out
You really sound like a top notch brother. You always stress how important your wife and daughter are. Hope that kind of thing is contagious here. I think the same way. I wish I would act accordingly more consistently. I gotta say I am not the easiest guy to be married to at times.
Yup like you said, people such as ourselves are not easy to live with, however I’m sure both our wives knew exactly who they marrying.
Had to pack up and drive back home today just got here. I feel like shit when I don’t get my workout in. Gonna get back to it tomorrow!!!
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