SB Labs

Arms fall asleep when lying down

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I never had any idea bro!!! I can’t wait to do it again. I think I am addicted. I loved watching my arms in the mirrors Being bigger then ever before with that long vein on top of my bicep pumping out. I felt like I may actually have potential as an old man.
Hell yes. About two weeks ago I noticed a new vein on the side of my arm just above my elbow. I saw it when I was working out. I was so pumped. A NEW VEIN!!! Couldn’t wait to get home and show the wife and kids. Hahahahaha. Then just this week my 15 year old son sent me a picture of him doing squats in the gym and pointing out a new vein in his quad Hahahaha it’s
Hell yes it did. This whole life style change I am doing is making two of my kids get serious. My 11 year old daughter has asked me to give her a dollar for every pound she loses. I said yes and offered a bonus if she meets her goal. Now understand she is overweight and her goal is to lose 15 pounds which is reasonable. But she calls me everyday and gives me updates. If I wasn’t doing what I am doing then my kids wouldn’t be inspired and I am only doing what I am doing cause guys like @John @Bigmurph @Youts @Dirtnasty @BigSwole69 @Sig516 inspired me. If I forgot anyone I am sorry. You all deserve credit brothers
Naw man you deserve the credit, your doing the work, your inspiring your kids, and that’s awesome! Kudos to your family! They are lucky to have you for a dad!
Well bro you and the other brothers got me into the gym. You all wouldn’t take any of my excuses back when I was asking around and trying to find some gear that would help me get into shape without having to do the work. I don’t know if you remember that or not. So ya I wouldn’t be doing the things I am doing if it weren’t for my brothers at Ug. You all came down hard on me. And now it is not just helping me but my whole family. I remember one of you guys even said my whole family will benefit. And it’s true. Now enough of the mushy shit. Again thanks.
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