Past 2 days were mountain biking
Did chest shoulders and tries
On my test and win…
Had a few obstacles this week but still going
Feel like my ligaments are sore… but my muscles are strong…my back is at 100 percent so I’m still plowing
Thinking about becoming a personal trainer researching my options on how to do so
I have people utilizing the exercise I do…
Go for it. I don’t know how to get certified but I’m sure Google knows. Lol. As far as weight I don’t pay attention to it anymore. I Jude by how my clothes fit. I started at 245 fat as fuck. Now I’m 250 and have veins. Still got some chunk in the midsection but am wearing smaller clothes.
I’ve been there before not fun running around those places.
I have seen now that on there app you can see the stock in the store your at plus what location the product is in you should check it out makes things easier especially knowing that they have it in stock.
I realized that as the inep people their were asking me what the weather was like instead of helping me out
Needless to say a few negatives flew in their pockets…
AND @Dirtnasty 100% I put in time at hd
But had to get the job done…
Today was a great back day I was able to knock it out even though there were so many new people that I had to work in between but was able to successfully knock out the back administered 1 pint of 10 of test still on the Wind soon I will get the Bloods on this play to see where my gauges but with the curb all I had how to handle the business first
So this is the week were completely off the EQ just with the pin of the test and the wind I see that I’m actually getting my libido back it seemed like the EQ suppress me I had a few night sweats while on the equ I definitely remain hydrated and kept with the program at this point I like the way I’m feeling just with the test and the win. This is my current program with this particular protocol right now. Soon the bloods … the curveball with the fixing set me back
Today’s progress I’m down to 209 pounds got the work out in like a champion that I am I’ve been non-stop today worked out legs did pull-ups dips going to get into the muscle ups leg routine complete the boy is back in business
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