SB Labs

Banned for life from buying ASS oline? Help from moderators

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Hi there,

I used to rely in eroids to buy my stuff; had a problem with a source there (that’s the reason why I left that scamming shithole), and that source told me that they´ll contact other sources so that no one would ever sell stuff to me online. I don’t know the level of interaction/“friendhip” among sources (and to me it sounds like bs) but I’d like to know if that is possible.

So that you know, the problem was that I payed and the source didn’t send me jack shit until I got a hold of their location, names, phone numbers etc…

Currently Im getting my stuff from my local seller, but I’d prefer ro go online again (better prices for the same products).

Hope you can help me, thanks
Not sure what you need help from moderators for. We don’t sell anything here and never have. It’s on the person to abide by the laws in their country when contacting any source or website that’s discussed here. And no they don’t all talk to each other. At least not here for sure.
Ok, with the question I didnt mean that anything is sold over here. The help from moderators was just to know the opinion of people that due to their years of experience in forums and so on, might know more than me about the subject. Anyway, I think you’ve answered my question at the end of your comment which I appreciate.
And again, with my post I never suggested anything is sold, matter of fact, I find this forum to be very diverse and genuinly helpull.
This seems really odd. If you’re buying online couldn’t you just change your email and the source wouldn’t know a difference?
No. They have my name and adress just as I have theirs. Of course I could always use somebody else to receive the stuff though, however, I prefer not to.

I know that for some funny people this might sound hilarious, but it isn’t really, as we’re dealing with jail time and so on ( I had the opportunity to talk on the phone with the source and we exchanged threats and all that). It’s incredible how easy it is to find someone’s identity on the net… even though the source is in Lietva, I had access to all their personal info. It only takes a couple of hours and 5-10 euros.

Anyway, the mod said that as far as he knows, sources don’t talk among each other much… nevertheless, if I find any trouble buying my gear online, I’ll blame it on them and proceed with the threats and they can proceed with theirs too.
I’m closing this thread. This is exactly the type of thing that no one and no board needs. Threats and going back and forth about ratting and snitching and or actually following through piss me off to no end. If this is what I can expect from you as a member then you can politely show yourself the door. Don’t bring this drama over here again.
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